Languages and Cultures Highlights of Faculty Research

Recent Publications

Andrew Clark

“Disrupting Genius: Dorval, landscape, and soliloquy” in Nature et paysage chez Diderot. Diderot Studies, eds. Zeina Hakim and Fayçal Falaky vol. 38 (Geneva: Droz, 2023): 99-116.

Review of Prose of the world: Denis Diderot and the Periphery of Enlightenment.” Prose Studies, 2023.

Isaie Dougnon

“Migrants’ Work: An Anthropological Perspective From West Africa.” In Shifting Categories Of Work: Unsettling the Ways We Think about Jobs, Labor, and Activities. Ed. Lisa Herzog and Bénédicte Zimmermann. New York: Routledge, 2023.

Audrey Evrard

Precarious Sociality, Ethics and Politics: French Documentary Cinema in the Early 21st Century (University of Wales Press, 2022)

Carl Fischer

Diversity and Dissidences on the Agenda.” (Part of special issue, “Apruebo por Chile: Charting a Future in the Aftermath of Defeat,” ed. Joshua Frens-String and Romina Green Rioja.) NACLA - Report on the Americas 54.4 (November 2022): 410-4.

Sexual/Textual Migrations: Queer of Color Theory in Chile.” (Part of special issue, “Fughe del/dal queer in Iberoamerica: estetica, narrativa, immaginazione politica della dissidenza sessogenerica,” ed. Sergio Rodríguez-Blanco and Francisco A. Zurian.) Confluenze: Rivista di Studi Iberoamericani 14.2 (2022): 272-293.

Susanne Hafner

He ne wiste nother of evyll ne gude: A Prelapsarian Perceval,” JIAS 8 (2020): 107-127.

Making Research Lemonade,” In Medievalism in the Age of COVID-19: A Collegial Plenitude. Comp. and ed. Richard Utz. Medievally Speaking. May 4, 2020.

Jacqueline Herranz-Brooks

Re-Shaping the Sugar. Contested Territory: Poesía Repatriada (2018-2020)". Installation. February 12 – March 18, 2023. WhiteBoxNY: 9 Ave. B, Lower East Side, NYC. Yohanna M. Roa, curator. Participating artists/critics: Juana Valdés, Coco Fusco, Yoiri Minaya, Renluka Maharaj, Jodie Leen-Ky-Chow, Alicia Grullón and Jacqueline Herranz Brooks. 

Yiju Huang

Loss and Absence in Still Life,” Senses of Cinema (January 2022 Issue 100).

Kathleen Lapenta Long

“#restaacasaconBIAIHI: How the Bronx Italian American History Initiative Responded to COVID-19 through Video and Social Media.” La Valle dell’Eden. Semestrale di cinema e audiovisivi. 37. (Fall 2022). Co-authored with Jacqueline Reich and Desislava Stoeva.

“Place, Race and the Picturesque in Bronx Oral Histories.” Words and Silences/Palabras y Silencios: Journal of the International Oral History Association. 10.1 (2021-2022). Co-authored with Jacqueline Reich.

Resistance in the Margins: Transnational Readings of Italian Australian, Canadian and American Narratives.” Moderna: Semestrale di teoria e critica della letteratura. (September 2020).

Sara Lehman

Novel: Socorro. Los Angeles: Nervous Ghost Press, 2022

Iuri Moscardi

Cesare Pavese, Mythographer, Translator, Modernist: A Collection of Studies 70 Years after His Death. Vernon Press, 2023.

Francesca Parmeggiani

Dr. Francesca Parmeggiani and her team of translators, including Fordham students and colleagues in Italy and the U.S., have been collaborating with historian Patrizia Guarnieri (University of Florence, Italy) on the portal, Intellettuali in fuga dall'Italia fascista / Intellectuals Displaced from Fascist Italy by translating selected biographies of Jewish intellectuals from Italy and other parts of Europe, who studied, worked or conducted research in Florence in the 1920s and 1930s and whose lives were upended by the Fascist regime. Translated biographies include: Silvano ArietiElia Samuele ArtomCamillo and Giliana BerneriCarla Coen PekelisMario Fubini, Trudy GothGiuseppe LeviRita Levi-MontalciniRenzo LuisadaAldo MieliAttilio Momigliano, Rudolf Levy, Willy OpplerGaetano Salvemini, Angiola SartorioPiero Treves, and others. To date, they have translated over 50 “lives on the move”. This project and the experiences it documents were featured on the podcast, “Idee (e corpi) in fuga”, Expat, RAI Radio 3, on January 27, 2024.

Alessandro Polcri

'Contra amorem’: l’inedita novella di Anzolo e Valeria nel ms. Marston 412 della Yale University, in La novella italiana dal Decameron al Rinascimento a cura di Elisa Curti e Flavia Palma, «Schede Umanistiche» (Università di Bologna), XXXVI/1, 2022, pp. 125-143.

Brian Reilly

Comment lire Louise Labé comme un enfant.” In Théories critiques et littérature de la Renaissance, eds. Todd Reeser and David Laguardia. Classiques-Gallimard, 2021: 361–79.

Négritude’s Contretemps: The Coining and Reception of Aimé Césaire’s Neologism.” Philological Quarterly 99.4 [2020]: 377–98.

Getting the Blues: Vision and Cognition in the Middle Ages. Series: Medieval Interventions: New Light on Traditional Thinking, edited by Stephen G. Nichols. Peter Lang, 2019.

Vicente Rubio

Interview with Yolanda Díaz, Spain’s Second Vice-President and Labor Minister. Jacobin, 2022.
English version
Spanish version (in Jacobin América Latina)

"Eterno empate ante el abismo." El Salto, 2022.  

A Populist Experiment in Spanish Political Culture? On the Cultural Politics of Podemos”. Dossier “The Legacies of the Spanish Crisis”. boundary2. Vol. 48, num. 3 (2021). 

Guillermo Severiche

Novel: El agua viene de noche. GG Editora, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 2021.

Cuerpos que caen, cuerpos que sienten. Archivo familiar, memoria queer y lenguaje háptico en tres documentales recientes de América Latina”. Clepsydra. Revista de Estudios de Género y Teoría Feminista, no. 21 (2021), pp. 187-202.

Experiencias sensoriales, porosidad y redención en Zama (2017). Una lectura benjaminiana del film de Lucrecia Martel”. IMAGOFAGIA Revista de la Asociación Argentina de Estudios de Cine y Audiovisual (2020), no. 22, pp. 266-288.

Alessia Valfredini

For a Critical pedagogy of Genuine Commitment to All Students in Italian Studies.” Studi d’Italianistica nell’Africa Australe/Italian Studies in Southern Africa (2022, Vol. 35, 1, 64-70)

“Reflections of and on Diversity: (Re)Discussing Course Materials.” In Gibby, S., and Tamburri, A. (Eds.), Diversity in Italian Studies, (177-192). Calandra Institute, Diversity in Italian Studies (2021).

“What’s in a book? A social justice approach to FL textual contents (and discontents).” Co-authored with Chiara Fabbian and Emanuela Zanotti Carney. In Dupuy, B., and McNichols, K. (Eds.), Pathways to paradigm change: Critical examinations of prevailing discourses and ideologies in second language education. AAUSC (2019).

Cynthia Vich

Peruvian Cinema in the Twenty-First Century: Dynamic and Unstable Grounds (co-edited volume with Sarah Barrow). New York /London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2020. *Awarded 2nd prize for Best Edited Collection by the British Association of TV and Screen Studies 

Cine peruano de inicios del siglo XXI. Dinamismo e incertidumbre (co-editado con Sarah Barrow). Lima: Fondo Editorial de la Universidad de Lima, Perú, 2021.

Escombros de la Lima neoliberal: A punto de despegar (2015).” Hispanófila no.192 (U of North Carolina, Chapel Hill). Special Issue: “El Perú en el nuevo milenio. Reflexiones y propuestas en torno al bicentenario” (Summer 2021): 35-49.