Social Media

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Fordham on Facebook

The official Fordham University Facebook profile allows students and staff to keep updated on all the latest Fordham news, events, photos, and videos.

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Fordham on X

The official Fordham University X account has over 25,000 followers and aggregates content from all of Fordham University's social media outlets.

Fordham on Instagram

The official Fordham University Instagram account has the best images taken from the photo lens of students, staff, and faculty.

YouTube Social Icon

Fordham on Youtube

The official Fordham University Youtube page has hundreds of videos about Fordham in the news, conferences, events, and other interest pieces.

LinkedIn Social Icon

Fordham on LinkedIn

The official LinkedIn page of Fordham University.

TikTok Social Icon

Fordham on TikTok

The official TikTok account of Fordham University has the latest trending videos featuring students and staff.

University Social Media Directory