Henry Omeike

Henry Omeike.

Theological and Social Ethics


B.A. University of Ibadan, Nigeria (2001)

M.A. Dominican Institute of Philosophy & Theology, Nigeria (2009)

Th.M. St John’s University, Collegeville, Minnesota (2017)


Henry Omeike is a fifth-year doctoral student in Theological and Social Ethics, working on the dissertation “Rethinking Economic Solidarity in Africa in Light of Igbo Imu-Ahia Economic Ethics.” The dissertation employs a liberationist and contextual approach to engage the experiences of those on the margins of church and society, especially economic margins. It aims to rethink modern Catholic social teaching's treatment of economic solidarity in light of Africa’s economic realities, proposing a new interpretation of economic solidarity informed by an understanding of economic awareness and participation that takes seriously Africans’ conception of community, economic identity and anthropology and the example of Igbo Imu-Ahia economic ethics as Africa’s economic transformation and inclusion. His research interests also include Fundamental moral theology, Catholic social thought, Economic/business ethics, Bioethics/medical ethics, virtue ethics, Theological anthropology, African economic development and ethics, Political theology and racial justice.

Henry received his Master of Art degree in Philosophy in 2001 from the University of Ibadan, Nigeria.  He earned an M.A. degree in theology from the Dominican Institute of Philosophy and Theology, Ibadan, Nigeria and a Th.M (Theological Masters) from Saint John’s School of Theology, Collegeville, Minnesota.  Before coming to Fordham, Henry taught part time at SS Peter and Paul Major Seminary in Nigeria, specializing in “Eucharist” and “Christology.” He is currently teaching Faith and Critical Reason at Fordham. Henry is a contributor to the The First, the Monthly Newsletter of Catholic Theological Ethics in the World Church.  He is the founder/coordinator of Truelife Consult of Nigeria (TLK), an organization that trains a broad spectrum of people, especially youth, on self-improvement through workshops on leadership, physical as well as emotional health. Before coming to Fordham, Henry served as associate pastor, secretary, electoral presider, director of students and community organizer in his native country and other parts of Africa.

Henry recalls arriving in the United States, in Minnesota, in early January, to an atrocious winter weather that almost forced him to abandon his theological studies. Henry is an avid soccer player, who also enjoys learning different languages, writing stories, and savoring the sight and sound of his Little Italy neighborhood as well as New York City.