Faculty Research Expense Program

Faculty Research Expense Program (FREP) provides a small amount of funding to tenure and tenure-track faculty to encourage research. While FREP was administered by the Office of Research in the past, it is now administered by individual departments/areas/schools. This means that FREP guidelines, applications, and decision procedures may vary across departments and schools. Please contact your school for more information.

The former guidelines for FREP are included below for reference. Note, however, that these guidelines are ineffective as of July 1, 2014. The Faculty Research Expense Program provides tenured and tenure-track faculty with:

  • Up to US $400 per fiscal year ($500 for A&S faculty: The A&S Deans use the program to administer funds to support A&S faculty research.)
  • Administered on a first come, first serve basis until budget depletion
  • Provides funds toward necessary expenses associated with the costs of a specific scholarly publication (e.g., indexing, page charges, photos, etc.) or pilot work for a specific external fellowship or grant.

Expenses that are normally the responsibility of a school or department or the general expenses of being a scholar are not eligible; these include:

  • Payments to yourself
  • Purchase of books, journals, or subscriptions
  • Travel to present scholarly papers
  • General office and computer equipment and supplies (this includes laptops, tablets and iPads)
    purchase of software licenses*

*Please note that Fordham IT owns licensing for many of the most frequently requested software packages sought by researchers and makes their use available to Faculty and Staff upon request; please see Fordham IT Supported Software for a list of supported and available software.