Administrators' Council Charter and Bylaws
- The Administrators’ Council is constituted as a committee of the President of Fordham University (the University).
- The Administrators’ Council (hereafter AC) shall be a consultative and deliberative body charged to make recommendations to Senior Leadership on matters that have a significant bearing on the University and Administrators in particular. The AC shall promote the growth and welfare of its administrator employee members, creating an atmosphere in which employees are willing and able to share ideas, as well as ask questions to improve the workplace environment. This forum will provide a venue for open communication and ongoing dialogue among and between administrators, as well as the University community.
- The AC shall be open to administrators of the University who do not fall within the definition of University Executive Leadership* shall be selected by their peers who are also eligible administrators pursuant to the same definition.
- The AC shall be comprised of a minimum of eleven (“11”) members, and a maximum of twenty-five (“25”) members. The composition of the AC shall be established on a pro-rata basis from each [area/division] of the University, to the extent that individuals are willing to serve on the AC.
- All members of the AC must be in Good Standing** with the University and their nomination to the AC must be approved by the administrator’s supervisor and area VP/Academic Leader, who shall certify that the nominee can fulfill this duty, taking into consideration operational and programmatic needs.
- The AC shall report to Senior Leadership on a regular basis on the AC’s deliberations and recommendations.
*Senior or Executive Members of Staff: encompass the following titles: President, Provost, Senior Vice President, Vice President, Chief of Staff, University Secretary, Vice Provost, Dean, Chief Investment Officer, Controller, Athletics Director, Senior Associate Vice President, Associate Vice President, Associate Provost, Associate Dean, Assistant Vice President, and members of the Office of Legal Counsel and Office of Human Resources Management.
**Good Standing: an administrator that has: 1) successfully completed their introductory period and has been employed as an administrator for at least two (2) years; 2) has no disciplinary notices in their labor file for at last two (2) years; 3) has satisfactory ratings or more than satisfactory ratings in their yearly appraisals on file for the last two (2) years; and 4) has completed the mandatory yearly training modules such as the Sexual Harassment Prevention in the Workplace and other mandatory training modules for their position.
- The AC Chair shall give feedback to the President of the University once a year at the conclusion of the Chair’s term.
- The AC does not have the authority to bind the University and shall serve as an advisory and consultative body only.
- The AC is not authorized to act in an advocacy role or to assume the role of arbitrator in any matter involving a specific administrator or the actual or suspected violation of any University Policy. Administrators are encouraged to work directly with their supervisor or appropriate Human Resources officer if there are issues specific to their personal situation and to follow the procedures outlined in the applicable policy with respect to actual of suspected violations of such policy.
- The members of the AC shall meet at least every other month and shall alternate meetings between the Rose Hill and Lincoln Center campuses.
- The AC may additionally meet on an ad hoc basis to consider major agenda items or events.
- In order to hold a meeting where voting is required, a quorum must be present in person or by means of video conferencing. A quorum consists of a simple majority, or one half the members of the AC plus one.
- A meeting agenda shall be prepared by the AC Chair with input from the other AC members and distributed one (1) week in advance of the meeting.
- Minutes shall be taken by the AC Secretary and preserved for a period of 3 years for inspection by members of the AC and the Senior Leadership.
This Charter was reviewed and approved by the President of the University.
This Charter shall be reviewed and amended as appropriate periodically. The dates of subsequent review and amendments of this Charter, as well as approvals are recorded in Annexure A to this Charter.
Minimum of 11 & up to 25
In addition, a member of the Office of Human Resources Management (“HR”) should be on the AC as an ex-officio, non-voting member of the AC. However, should the AC desire to discuss matters outside of the presence of HR, the AC may call for, by majority vote, an executive session that excludes HR.
- AC candidates will be elected, per Section 3 (Terms of Service), from across the University in proportion to the number of employees in the organization:
- Administration (Facilities, Government Relations, Veterans Affairs, Public Safety)
- Athletics
- Development and University Relations
- Enrollment
- Finance
- Information Technology
- Marketing and Communications
- Mission Integration and Ministry
- President & Provost (Central Operations)
- Academic Affairs (Schools)
- Student Affairs
- Elections shall be held using an anonymous online survey tool, following the model used by the Faculty Senate for its elections. All nominations will be reviewed and approved by HR to ensure that a nominated employee is in Good Standing** with the University. Nominees must be employed by the University for two (2) years and shall also be vetted by the employee’s supervisor and Area VP/Academic Leader as stated in Section 2.3 of the AC Charter.
- Nominations to fill open positions subsequent to the inaugural year on the AC can be self-nominated or nominated by a colleague. Since meetings are held during regular business hours, those employees interested in serving on the AC are advised to obtain the approval of their supervisor, which shall not be unreasonably withheld based upon operational and programmatic needs of the University.
- A call for nominations will be announced in the spring and new members will be notified by June. The AC will review nominations and the selection of new members will be decided via a uniform confidential ballot of all eligible Administrators. The election process will be coordinated by the current Council with assistance from HR. New members will be introduced to the AC in July.
- All elected members must be in Good Standing** with the University at the start of the appointment process, which will be reviewed by HR.
**Good Standing - an administrator that has: 1) successfully completed their introductory period and has been employed as an administrator for at least two (2) years; 2) has no disciplinary notices in their labor file for at least two (2) years; 3) has satisfactory ratings or more than satisfactory ratings in their yearly appraisals on file for the last two (2) years; and 4) has completed the mandatory yearly training modules such as the Sexual Harassment Prevention in the Workplace and other mandatory University training modules required for their position.
- AC candidates will be elected, per Section 3 (Terms of Service), from across the University in proportion to the number of employees in the organization:
- Inaugural members shall serve staggered terms:
- Approximately ⅓ of the AC members are replaced after serving two (2) years;
- Approximately ⅓ of the AC members are replaced after serving three (3) years; and,
- Approximately ⅓ of the AC members are replaced after serving four (4) years.
- After the inaugural elections, AC members will serve three (3) year terms.
- In the inaugural year, the initial AC Chair, Vice Chair, and Secretary shall be elected by the general membership from a pool of volunteers in a special election.
- Inaugural members shall serve staggered terms:
- Chair Shall:
- Meet with the President regularly, a minimum of once per semester:
- Share the dates and locations of the Council sessions for the year with the President’s Office.
- Attend events at the invitation of the University’s President and leadership.
- Set goals and agendas for all Council sessions.
- Preside over and conduct all Council sessions.
- Be responsible for enforcing the rules and decorum of debate, as well as alternating debate between the pros and cons in a controversial situation:
- Appoint a Secretary from one of the Council members and continue as Chair in the absence of the Vice-Chair and the Secretary.
- Appoint two Council members to assist the Chair of the Executive Committee:
- The following criteria must be considered for selection of the appointments:
- Using a DEI lens, select from various departments and members.
- Each appointment shall end with the election of a new Chairperson.
- The following criteria must be considered for selection of the appointments:
- Generate and provide annual reports to the University President.
- Work with the HR liaison and the President’s Office on council business.
- Meet with the President regularly, a minimum of once per semester:
- Vice-Chair Shall:
- Be responsible for exercising all the powers and duties of the Chair in the absence of the Chair.
- Assist the Chair in setting and preparing agendas and goals.
- Maintain voting records.
- Report updates to the Chair.
- Assist the Chair in generating reports.
- Provide regular updates on working groups.
- During Council meetings, assist the Chair in keeping order.
- Perform timekeeping and assist the Chair with the general flow of the meeting agenda.
- Administer the vote on motions and know the type of vote required for the different classes of motions.
- They announce the vote result so that all members know what action is taken and who is responsible for acting if a motion is adopted.
- Maintains and provides the voting record to the Secretary.
- In the absence of the Secretary, the Vice-Chair is responsible for preparing and distributing meeting minutes.
- Attend Executive Committee and individual meetings with the Chair.
- The Vice-Chair cannot enter a debate if they preside over a Council session as acting Chair.
- Secretary Shall:
- Create and maintain meeting minutes (both the internal, unredacted version for the Council and the public summary to be shared with the Fordham community via the University website):
- Send a draft of the minutes to the Executive Committee for review within 10 days of the meeting.
- Obtain approval of draft minutes within 24-48 hours:
- Only quoted portions will be sent to members or guests referenced/quoted within the minutes for review.
- Members/guests shall review/approve their comments within seven business days.
- Send minutes to the full Council within 30 days.
- Create a public summary from approved minutes within seven business days of approval.
- After approval, post online to the Administrators’ Council page and add to Google Drive.
- Assist in drafting agendas.
- Schedule Council sessions and set up video conferencing using the [email protected] email account.
- Maintain the video conference sessions (i.e., creating breakout rooms, monitoring the chat, etc.).
- Maintain the video conference sessions (i.e., creating breakout rooms, monitoring the chat, etc.).
- Manage the Administrators’ Council’s email communications and group listserv.
- Take roll calls.
- Report updates to the Chair.
- Assist the Chair in generating reports.
- Coordinate with the University’s division of Marketing and Communications.
- Obtain training on the communication systems and formats needed to send updates
- Draft and distribute newsletters via the Fordham Messaging Platform and various other systems.
- Obtain training on the communication systems and formats needed to send updates
- Create and maintain meeting minutes (both the internal, unredacted version for the Council and the public summary to be shared with the Fordham community via the University website):
- Former Chair (ex officio for the length of the executive position held) Shall:
- Retain all of the rights, privileges, duties, and responsibilities afforded to other Council members
- Act in the Administrators’ Council’s best interest.
- Have a right to information about meetings and topics.
- Have a right to discussion.
- Have a right to vote if still a Council member in good standing with the Council.
- Follow, maintain, and adhere to the Administrators’ Council’s Charter and Bylaws, as any other Council member is expected to.
- Serve on working groups, if desired, to help address specific issues or areas of concern related to their expertise.
- Retain all of the rights, privileges, duties, and responsibilities afforded to other Council members
- Chair Shall:
The Executive Committee of the AC will include the Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary, and Former AC Chair, as well as the ex-officio, after the first year.
All presiding officers of the Executive Committee must remember that they represent all the Council members, not just a select few and those with whom they agree. The presiding officer must keep control of the meeting, but more than that, they must ensure that during a debate, all the facts—pros and cons—come out in the discussion so that the assembly can make an informed decision. The officer allows the assembly, through the democratic process, to arrive at the will of the majority. To ensure fairness and impartiality, the executive committee adheres to the following.- Executive Committee Shall:
- Protect the rights of all the Council members and the constituency.
- Keep order.
- Ensure fairness and impartiality.
- Vote as a member at Council meetings.
- Including the former Chair (ex-officio)
- Perform administrative duties.
- Become familiar with and follow the Administrators’ Council Bylaws, Robert’s Rules of Order, the Fordham University handbook, policies, and rules; the parliamentary procedure in general, and the organization’s selected parliamentary authority in particular (if there is one).
- Prepare the agenda together.
- Be familiar with any unfinished or new business that must appear on the agenda.
- Receive reports and communications prepared by or in any area of the University that may be of concern or interest to any administrative constituents, the President, or the Administrators’ Council.
- Serve as the channel through which any member of the Council may introduce matters for the consideration of the Council, including any matters requested by the President or the administrative constituents in the agenda for any meeting.
- The Charter and Bylaws apply to and must be adhered to by all Executive Committee members.
- Executive Committee Terms of Office:
- Each officer’s term is one year in the inaugural year.
- Officers can serve one consecutive term in the respective office during their tenure at Fordham University.
- Executive Committee Reporting Structure:
- The Chair will report to the University President and provide a yearly report.
- The Administrators’ Council’s Executive Committee will provide the Chair with regular updates on working groups and subcommittees.
- An ex officio Chair will regularly report activities and progress to the Chair.
- Leaders of working groups and subcommittees will provide the Chair with reports based on their work:
- If standing committees are to give reports, the Chair should call these committee members before the meeting to see if they have a report to give. At the meeting, the Chair should call on only those who have indicated in advance that they have reported.
- Executive Committee Shall:
- The order of nomination and election shall be Chair, Vice-Chair, and Secretary.
- Nominations and elections for Executive Committee officers of the Administrators’ Council shall occur every June:
- Virtual nominations will take place the week before the elections. Email nominations to [email protected].
- A member should know beforehand if the person they wish to nominate is eligible and willing to serve.
- Members can nominate themselves if they are eligible.
- A member can decline the nomination during the nominating process.
- Any number of nominations may be made for any position:
- In the event that all nominees decline or no one runs for the role, the Committee shall tell members publicly that they do not have a nominee for a certain office; this allows members to volunteer. No one should be nominated without consent because, if elected, the person may decline to serve, and members will have to hold another election.
- If there are no volunteers, the Committee can appoint an elections working group to search for eligible candidates from the Council.
- Once candidates are identified, the appointed working group will hold a special election, and the office shall be filled at the same meeting.
- Council members shall vote using an asynchronous polling feature.
- A majority of all the votes cast for a particular officer shall be necessary to elect. If a majority is not achieved upon the first ballot, there shall be a run-off between the candidates receiving the most votes.
- The Chair shall appoint two Council members to act as Tellers and one to act as Recorder:
- At the subsequent General Session, one of the Tellers shall read aloud the name of the nominees and pass it to the other for confirmation.
- The Recorder shall tally the votes of each role, and the presiding officer shall announce the result. All of this shall take place in full view of the Council.
- Even if only one member is nominated for each position, a vote must be taken.
- If members are voting for candidates whose term as a Council member expires before their executive office term, would:
- The Secretary should include in the minutes when it expires.
- The officer must submit their resignation 30 days before they are no longer a council member.
- A special election will be held to fill the position.
- Each member of the AC shall have voting rights. A standard quorum at an AC meeting will consist of a simple majority of the AC membership, or half of the committee membership plus one, joining a meeting either in person or by video conferencing. If the AC does not have a quorum, then any voting must be tabled.
- Voting shall be decided by a simple majority of those present and voting. Discussion on a topic to be voted on will be held prior to the meeting with the vote.
- Council members can serve an unlimited number of terms.
- Council members cannot serve more than two consecutive terms.
- Executive Committee members cannot serve more than two total terms in the same role throughout their Fordham tenure.
- When replacing a Council member who has resigned or been dismissed from Fordham:
- Next-most votes if a replacement is required within six months of the Council member’s election date, for the duration of the leaving member’s term.
- Re-vote within the area if a replacement is required beyond six months of the Council member’s election date, for the duration of the leaving member’s term.
- Chair must be informed of the leave, including its length, by the council member or area delegate
- Nature of the leave need not be disclosed to the Chair
- When replacing a Council member who takes a leave of absence for fewer than 60 days:
- The Council member remains on the Council through the end of their leave
- No temporary replacement is appointed
- Chair must be informed of the leave, including its length, by the council member or area delegate.
- Nature of the leave need not be disclosed to the Chair.
- When replacing a Council member who takes a leave of absence for more than 60 days but fewer than 180 days:
- Next-most votes in the area to appoint a temporary replacement through the leave; decision within 30 days.
- Chair must be informed of the leave, including its length, by the council member or area delegate
- Nature of the leave need not be disclosed to the Chair
- When replacing a Council member who takes a leave of absence for more than 180 days:
- Re-vote within the area to appoint a temporary replacement through the leave; decision within 30 days
- Chair must be informed of the leave, including its length, by the council member or area delegate
- Nature of the leave need not be disclosed to the Chair
- When replacing a Council member who resigns from the Council or is dismissed from the Council:
- Next-most votes if a replacement is required within six months of the Council member’s election date
- Re-vote within the area if a replacement is required beyond six months of the Council member’s election date.
- Chair must be informed of the leave, including its length, by the council member or area delegate
- Nature of the leave need not be disclosed to the Chair.
- When replacing a Council member who moves to a different department or whose role changes to one that is ineligible to serve on the Council:
- Automatic resignation from the Council
- Next-most votes if a replacement is required within six months of the Council member’s election date, for the duration of the leaving member’s term.
- Re-vote within the area if a replacement is required beyond six months of the Council member’s election date, for the duration of the leaving member’s term.
- Chair must be informed of position change by the council member or area delegate
- Nature of the move need not be disclosed to the Chair
- When replacing a Council member who has resigned or been dismissed from Fordham:
In-person meetings will be held every other month, alternating between Rose Hill and Lincoln Center, with a virtual meeting option provided.
- Setting the agenda for the meetings shall be the responsibility of the Council Chair, in consultation with the Executive Committee.
- Any member of the Council may present an item for the agenda to the Council Chair for consideration prior to an upcoming meeting.
- The agenda will be communicated in advance of meetings.
Robert's Rules of Order shall govern all matters not specifically covered in the Bylaws.
- Each council member must attend no fewer than ten (10) general council sessions, accumulate no more than two (2) unexcused absences, or accumulate no more than four (4) total absences per calendar year.
- If a Council member accumulates greater than two unexcused absences in a calendar year, the Council may vote to dismiss the Council member.
- If a Council member accumulates more than four total absences in a calendar year, the Council may vote to dismiss the Council member.
- In-person and remote participation are weighted equally in assessing council member attendance.
- Council member attendance will be published in the meeting minutes and summary minutes.
- Attendee modality is marked “LC” or “RH” for in-person participation
- Attendee modality is marked “V” for virtual participation
- Council members are expected to attend the general council session in the designated meeting room if they are present on the campus of the session.
- The Chair can convert a council session to a fully virtual session for all attendees
- Council members attending virtually are expected to turn on their camera and be available when called upon.
- An absent council member cannot vote in a general council session.
- The Chair, Vice Chair, and Secretary must be notified of a scheduled or unscheduled absence ahead of the upcoming general council session.
- Unexcused Absence:
- Failing to attend a council meeting without notice ahead of the upcoming general council session is an unexcused absence for the session
- Declining the calendar invitation without a stated reason ahead of the upcoming general council session is an unexcused absence for the session
- Virtual participation from within the campus of the general session is an unexcused absence for the session
- A lack of visual or audible response from a virtual council member on more than two (2) occasions throughout the session will result in an unexcused absence for the session
- Each council member must attend no fewer than ten (10) general council sessions, accumulate no more than two (2) unexcused absences, or accumulate no more than four (4) total absences per calendar year.
Working groups shall be formed and the rules establishing procedures of these groups shall be developed, if and when the need arises, as determined by the AC. Each working group is expected to meet regularly as projects dictate, and prepare a report with recommendations for the upcoming AC meeting.
- The inaugural AC shall be required to review and adopt the Bylaws at its first meeting.
- In addition, the AC will discuss and formalize a process for amending future Bylaws within the first six (6) months of inception.
- Thereafter, the AC will undertake annual reviews of the Bylaws to propose new adoptions and amendments.
The AC makes recommendations on behalf of all Fordham University administrators in matters which impact administrators across the University. Everyone’s feedback is critical to the AC’s work. The AC will develop a feedback form for administrators to submit general comments, questions or concerns related to the work environment, benefits, University policies or programs, AC events, or ideas to increase community engagement or support for administrators.AC members monitor the general mailbox, [email protected]. A member of the Council will address each submission by providing information as appropriate, alerting the applicable departments of major concerns, acting as an advocate on behalf of all Administrators, or making recommendations to a specific Council sub-committee when relevant. This email address should not be used to report violations of University Policy or other matters for which the University has an existing reporting procedure or which are more appropriately handled by the University administration. All concerns, complaints or reports of actual of suspected violations of University Policy should be reported to the appropriate person or office indicated in the policy. In the event that AC receives concerns, complaints or reports of actual or suspected violations of University Policy, the AC immediately will forward the complaint to the appropriate University office for further action and redirect the individual making such complaint to the appropriate office. The University will not be deemed to have received notice of any actual or suspected violation of University Policy until such violation is reported through the process set forth in the applicable Policy.
If an individual’s concern is personal or sensitive in nature, they should consider directly contacting the Office of Human Resources Management at 817-718-4930 or [email protected] for assistance.