What is the Strategic Plan?
The Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Strategic Plan seeks to serve as a guide to foster the optimal climate of our community in the interest of all members. It will also keep the Gabelli School of Business on a trajectory to meet the goals of the University. A clear diversity plan, with action items and next steps, will move the GSB toward its aim of inclusion excellence. Students, faculty, staff, and administrators are encouraged and supported to work, study, and learn in a way that allows each of them to reach their full potential. The Gabelli School of Business will use this action plan and the outlined initiatives to create and maintain a climate where everyone feels included and feels like they belong.
How was the document made?
The GSB DEI Task Force has specified a set of recommended goals, objectives, and action steps that define a clear path for the GSB to achieve its diversity, equity, and inclusion goals. These goals and objectives were developed out of internal data collection, empirical literature review, task force research, focus groups, and consultation of industry leaders and peer/ aspirant intuitions over the course of three years (2017-2020).
Who created the document?
These steps toward change were made possible by dedicated students and alumni, especially the Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Student Advisory Board (DEI Board), the Student Activities Board (graduate), GHMBAA, GabelliPride, Smart Woman Securities, ASCEND, the DEI Peer Mentoring Program, and many others that have spurred this positive movement on diversity relations within our community. Their invaluable contributions via listening sessions, focus group/survey responses, research, and advocacy have inspired actions that will impact the real change the Gabelli School of Business seeks. The DEI Strategic Plan is spearheaded by Clarence E. Ball III, Director of Diversity, Equity & Inclusion; Clinical Assistant Professor.