Writing Workshops at Lincoln Center

The Lincoln Center Writing Center offers customized, in-class writing workshops designed to reflect the work that happens during tutoring sessions in the Writing Center. These workshops travel out from the Writing Center and into individual classrooms. The workshops are flexible and well-suited to courses from many different subjects and disciplines. The Writing Center staff is happy to talk with you in advance to discuss and adapt more precisely the content of the workshop and how it will integrate into your class.

Due to limited tutor availability, we will take requests on a first come, first served basis. We may not be able to accommodate all requests, but if we are unable to accommodate you, we will prioritize your future requests.

  • Entering Academic Conversations: Using the templates from Gerald Graff and Cathy Birkenstein’s book They Say/I Say, this workshop teaches students to enter into conversations with their sources rather than letting sources overtake their own voices. By doing so, students will better understand how to express and distinguish their own unique arguments from those of their sources.

  • Paragraph Structure: This workshop draws in part on Eric Hayot’s (author of The Elements of Academic Style) concept of the “Uneven U” and helps students to understand how to structure their ideas into well-organized, argumentative paragraphs.

Faculty who are interested in workshops should contact the Lincoln Center Writing Center Director.