Air Force ROTC Physical Fitness Training

All cadets are required to take a Physical Fitness Assessment (PFA) each semester. The PFA consists of sit-ups, push-ups, and a 1.5 mile run. To prepare for the PFA, and to ensure that cadets are able to meet the Air Force physical fitness standards, cadets participate in two mandatory PT sessions each week. Students will participate in a “cross-town PT” session one morning per week and in a full detachment PT session on Friday afternoons.

The department offers both three- and four-year commissioning programs, each with its own special advantages. The shorter program allows sophomore students, junior-college transfer students, and other students with at least six academic semesters remaining, either in undergraduate or graduate status, and who have met required qualifications, to obtain an Air Force commission while completing their studies. The four-year program provides on-campus study during the freshman through senior years. Both programs provide the opportunity to compete for full academic scholarships.