Public Accountancy

Degree Options: Major
Locations: Rose Hill
Visit the Accounting Area

150-credit-hour undergraduate degree program, fulfilling the credits normally earned in a separate master’s degree

Get the “whole package” of CPA educational requirements—right here in our undergraduate program.

Laptop, eyeglasses and spreadsheets - LG

Some Gabelli School students know early in their college careers that licensure as a Certified Public Accountant is in their future. This five-year undergraduate program is ideal for those students: By the time five years are up, they have all of the 150 educational credit hours that New York State requires of individuals who seek CPA licensure.

Many students who pursue the public accountancy major hold internships and, later, full-time jobs at Big Four client-services firms and other notable companies in New York City, such as RSM and BDO. The self-contained nature of this unique five-year undergraduate degree ensures that they do not need a master’s degree to meet New York’s CPA minimum.

As with our four-year, 120-credit public accounting degree, the five-year public accountancy program lives at the Gabelli School’s Rose Hill campus. This is why Rose Hill is the choice of Fordham students who envision an accounting major and career.

The Gabelli School of Business is considered one of the top business schools in the U.S. for a reason. (For a lot of reasons.) Our dual core curriculum—half business, half liberal arts—makes Fordham business graduates unique: knowledgeable about global commerce, but also keenly aware of the human factor in every deal.

  • Accounting majors at Fordham have access to a full-time pre-professional adviser who guides them in course selection, internship and full-time career exploration, and the licensure process.

    World-class internships are just a train ride away. Fordham students often graduate with four or five internships on their résumés from major companies, including:

    • Deloitte
    • Goldman Sachs
    • EY
    • KPMG
    • Lord & Taylor
    • MTV/Viacom
    • PwC
    • RSM
    • Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation

    More than 75 percent of Gabelli graduates who got job offers before graduation reported that their internship led directly to the full-time spot.

    Top accounting students can qualify for honors programs, which can offer advantages such as:

    • International travel
    • Special coursework
    • Close-knit cohort of very intelligent fellow students
    • Regular meetings with top New York-based executives

    Beta Alpha Psi, the financial services honor society, and the Association of Latino Professionals in Finance and Accounting meet on campus.

  • Advanced Concepts in Financial Accounting
    Commercial Transactions
    Advanced Assurance and Auditing
    Corporate and Partnership Taxation
    Accounting Research Seminar
    Ethics in Financial Reporting and Accounting

  • Public accountancy majors have a wide range of career paths to choose from in the private and public sectors. This is true of our public accounting program, too. Graduates of both programs may find themselves:

    • Conducting independent audits on businesses for banks and investors
    • Preparing taxes for clients and representing them to the IRS
    • Analyzing, designing, and implementing financial systems in businesses
    • Advising on mergers and acquisitions
    • Testifying in court

    Students in all Gabelli School accounting programs benefit from:

    • Résumé development and interviewing practice
    • Networking skill development
    • Hands-on case-study sessions with industry executives
    • Field-specific advising/coaching
    • Post-graduation career search assistance

    You also get access to our powerful (and Fordham-loyal) alumni network.

Learn More About the Public Accountancy Degree

Visit the Accounting and Taxation Area