Finding an Internship in Communication and Media Studies

  • Search for listings on Handshake, Fordham’s job and internship database. Handshake lists thousands of opportunities just for Fordham students.
  • Visit the Career Services office. They can help you navigate our job board, recommend additional internship-search sites, and discuss other ways to find internships. After you find an internship you want to apply for, they can also help you write a resume or cover letter.
  • Attend a Career Fair or other Career Services Networking Event. These events provide a great opportunity to meet employers and learn about internship opportunities with a variety of organizations.
  • Speak with your professors or staff in your academic department.
  • Network. Reach out to personal, professional, and academic contacts including family, friends, classmates, faculty, and advisers. Many of these individuals will often share similar backgrounds, interests or goals, which can facilitate the development of strong professional relationships.