Incorporate Service and Community Engagement

We see service and community engagement as a key theme for our planning, not just because of Fordham’s traditional emphasis on service learning but because this mission-driven focus connects with the needs of today’s students and the professional landscape they will inhabit and enrich.

  • How can we meaningfully build partnerships with community organizations into the design of our curricula?
  • Can we viably integrate doctoral study and service without compromising the academic rigor of the one and the steadfast commitment required by the other? Or is this a false dichotomy?
  • How can we ensure that our service partnerships benefit both the University - its students, faculty, and academic culture - and the members of the community and their institutions?
  • How can we effectively cultivate and redeploy the skills acquired in service projects and community engagement for conducting research and completing a doctorate?
  • How might our study of the humanities enrich the communities we serve?
  • What would success look like for a humanities doctoral program with a service component, and what methods will we develop to assess and monitor it?