Micki McGee

Micki McGee

Associate Professor


Micki McGee is an Associate Professor of Sociology and American Studies, and serves as the Director of Fordham's Program in American Studies. Her first monograph, Self-Help, Inc: Makeover Culture in American Life (Oxford UP) looks at our national pre-occupation with self-improvement. Her current book project The Autism Panic: Neurodiversity, Neoliberalism, and the Politics of Extreme Parenting extends this consideration of self-development to the parental projects of curing or improving autistic children. She serves on the Advisory Board for the City University of New York's Project REACH, which develops programs to enhance support for autistic students and educate the broader university community about autism and other neurological and cognitive differences.


Cruel Optimism for the Neurologically Queer, Social Text Periscope (January 15, 2013).

Neurodiversity, Contexts (Vol. 11, No.3, Summer 2012), 12-13. Winner of the 2014 American Sociological Association's Claude Award.