Required and Suggested Syllabus Language

Based upon the guidance from the Undergraduate Faculty Handbook, the syllabus is meant to be a detailed outline of the course, including:

  • The instructor's name, office location, telephone number, email address, and office hours (zoom room, for instance);
  • Communication with students is critical in the FHLE and in this quickly-changing environment and may diverge from previous semesters. We recommend that you create a communication policy in your syllabus that states your preferred mode of communication (email, Blackboard, etc), your hours of communication (i.e. not weekends), and your intended response time;
  • The specific learning objectives of the course explicitly listed;
  • Notes on how students will be graded, as well as the grading scale to be used;
  • The numbers of papers and exams that will be required and their weight in the final grade;
  • A list of the material that will be covered, including recommended reading;
  • Notes on how students taking four-credit courses will be required to commit additional time to the course—through extra readings or assignments, for example;
  • Attendance policies and outcomes resulting from nonattendance;
  • Expectations for class participation;
  • Policies on late papers and missed exams;
  • Possibilities for extra credit and/or revision of work;
  • Discussion of the University Policy on Academic Integrity and the sanctions therein;
  • paragraph to make students aware of the University services available for students with disabilities;
  • We also suggest you include in your syllabus a remote work policy tailored to your course needs and expectations.

Suggested/Sample Language

Academic Integrity:
“Please familiarize yourself with the Undergraduate Policy on Academic Integrity at Fordham. The policy notes that: “Academic integrity is the pursuit of scholarly activity in an honest, truthful, and responsible manner. Violations of academic integrity include, but are not limited to, plagiarism, cheating on exams, falsification, unapproved collaboration, and destruction of library materials.”

You may discuss homework problems with other students, but the work that you submit should be your own, in your own words. Collaboration with others (including online resources) during quizzes and exams is prohibited. If you violate the policy, you will receive a grade of 0% on the assignment, quiz, or exam.”

Attendance Policy Information for Syllabus:
“It is expected that undergraduate students attend all synchronous or in-person class meetings. If this will be a burden for you (due to time zone or wifi issues), please talk with your instructor at the beginning of the semester about options that will allow you to participate in the course and continue your learning. Documentation supporting excused absence(s) for emergencies or long-term illness (defined as missing more than a week’s worth of classes) should be sent to their class dean. During this time, it is also recognized that unforeseen circumstances may well lead to an occasional absence or a class cancellation. Instructors and students are encouraged to engage in a dialogue at the start of the semester about the importance of cura personalis and how to inform each other in the event of situations like this.” 

Office of Disability Services Syllabus Statement:
“If you are a student with a documented disability and require academic accommodations, please register with the Office of Disability Services for Students (ODS) in order to request academic accommodations for your courses. Please contact the main ODS number at 718-817-0655 to arrange services. Accommodations are not retroactive, so you need to register with ODS prior to receiving your accommodations. Please see me after class or during office hours if you have questions or would like to submit your academic accommodation letter to me if you have previously registered for accommodations.”

Chosen Name and Pronoun Policy: 
“Some members of the Fordham community are known by a name that is different from their legal name. Students who wish to be identified by a chosen name can contact their professor via email and request their chosen name and pronoun be used by the professor during class and other interactions.”

Mandatory Reporting:
“As a course instructor, I am a mandatory reporter and am required to contact and provide information to Public Safety, to the Dean of Students, and/or to the Title IX Coordinator if I learn you have been sexually harassed (verbally or physically), sexually assaulted /raped, stalked, had domestic violence or dating violence occur in a relationship, or been a victim/ survivor of any behavior prohibited by the University's Sexual Misconduct Policy and Procedures. Once reported, the University will promptly seek to properly support any student and make efforts to stop the prohibited behavior, prevent it from recurring, and remedy its effects. There are two confidential places on campus where you can seek support where it will not be "reported": counselors in Psychological & Counseling Services and Campus Ministry. The Student CARE Brochure can provide you with on and off-campus resources for support and more information.”

Mental Health Resources:
Counseling and Psychological Services provides a range of services to help students address and cope more effectively with their stress and psychological concerns. You are encouraged to stop by or call the office to make an appointment. 

  • Hours
    • Monday – Thursday 9 a.m. – 7 p.m.
    • Friday 9 a.m. – 5 p.m.
  • Location:
    • Rose Hill: O’Hare Hall Basement
    • Lincoln Center: 140 W 62nd St. Room G02
  • Phone
    • Rose Hill: (718) 817 – 3725
    • Lincoln Center: (718) 817 – 6225

At Rose Hill, the Fordham University Emergency Medical Service (FUEMS) is available 24 hours a day and can be contacted by calling the Department of Public Safety at 718-817-2222.”

If you need help, you should not hesitate to contact your instructor if you have any questions, especially about homework problems. Please start homework early so that you will have time to ask questions in class, in office hours, or by email. You should also stop by your instructor’s office (make an appointment if office hours do not fit your schedule) if you have any questions or want to go over some of the material. We are here to help you learn and understand!

Please let us know if there is anything we can do to help make our classroom as inclusive as possible for learning and participating.”

Writing Resources for Students:
Fordham University Writing Center

  • Hours
    • Monday – Thursday 9 a.m. – 8 p.m.
    • Friday 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. 
  • Location
    • Rose Hill: Walsh Library, Reference Area (Rm 121)
    • Lincoln Center: Quinn Library, Rm 233
  • Phone
    • Rose Hill: (718) 817 – 0077
    • Lincoln Center: (646) 868 – 4009

Tutoring Services:
“At Lincoln Center, for students needing assistance with particular subjects, free tutoring help is available. Specific departments offer faculty tutoring. Tutoring is available for: Mathematics, Language Learning Center, Economics, Computer Science, and Writing. Learn more about tutoring at Lincoln Center here.”

“At Rose Hill, tutoring services for most academic departments are offered free of charge. For any subject area not listed below, please consult with the associate chair for undergraduates of the department. Learn more about tutoring at Rose Hill here.

General Class Etiquette:
“Please be mindful of your instructor and your fellow students. This means:

  • Our classroom is meant to be a safe place. You are encouraged to express your ideas candidly while also keeping in mind that you are expected to show respect for one another and for the diversity of people and ideas in the world around you. Thoughtful critiques and feedback are welcome and encouraged, but negative criticism is not. If there are concerns that any student is not conducting themselves appropriately, this will be discussed with the student on an individual basis. Similarly, if any student feels unsafe as a result of viewpoints expressed by the instructor or fellow students, they are encouraged to speak with the instructor in private;
  • Discrimination, harassment, or global generalizations against others on the basis of race, creed, national or ethnic origin, age, religion, disability, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression will not be tolerated;
  • This syllabus may be revised as needed to ensure the educational quality and fairness of the course. If changes are made, a revised syllabus will be provided.

Online Etiquette:

  • Please try to keep your video on for the duration of online class meetings. Think about video this way: if we were in a classroom together, we would be able to see each other for the whole time;
  • Keep your audio muted, except when you want to speak, to minimize background noise when others are speaking;
  • You can use a virtual background if you want, as long as it doesn’t use too much of your bandwidth and interfere with your audio/video quality;
  • Close all applications on your computer/tablet that aren’t necessary for the course;
  • Temporarily disable notifications so they don’t distract you. Turn off your phone (or put it on Do Not Disturb).
  • Try to find a place where you won’t be interrupted or distracted by pets, curious family members, etc;
  • Food? Eat if you need to eat and can’t have a meal before or after class. Try to minimize any distraction from eating during class. (Use the same judgment you would for an in-person class meeting.);
  • Please use the “raise hand” function to contribute to discussion, or raise your hand physically if you are having trouble with the “raise hand” function.