Faculty Professional Development Opportunities

Student and Faculty Member at Lunch

Lunch and Learn Series

If you are teaching our students, whether you are a full professor, associate, assistant, lecturer, adjunct, or graduate assistant, you are most welcomed to attend. Faculty introduce themselves, share a triumph or a fail from their classroom in the past week, and talk about teaching. It's a great way to get and share tips and advice.

Lunch is always provided. Hope to see you there!

Information on workshops at each campus will be posted.

African-American Looking at PC Screen - SM

Writing Boot Camps

The writing boot camps provide a dedicated space on campus for instructors to write, research, and work on individual projects in community with other Fordham instructors. Boot camps are held weekly at the Lincoln Center campus and faculty are free to come and stay as they like.

Coffee will be served. Hope to see you there!

Lincoln Center Campus
Tuesday mornings: 9 a.m. – 12 p.m. in Martino Hall 708A
Thursday mornings: 9 a.m. – 12 p.m. in Lowenstein 916/924

Lunch and Learns and boot camps are open to ALL who teach at Fordham University regardless of rank, but are not open to the general public.

Questions: please contact Anne Fernald, Special Advisor to the Provost for Faculty Development ([email protected]; 718-817-3312).