
Professor Magda Teter lectures from podium with Fordham banners behind her

Fordham’s top-notch Jewish studies faculty members are engaged scholars, award-winning authors and speakers, editors of prestigious academic journals, officers of professional organizations, recipients of fellowships and grants, and dedicated teachers and mentors.

Their expertise covers many disciplines, eras, and communities, representing the full range of Jewish studies.

Orit Avishai
Sociology/Women’s Studies, Rose Hill
gender, sexuality, marriage, education, Jewish Orthodoxy

Edward Bristow
History, Lincoln Center
modern Europe, Holocaust and genocide, interfaith dialogue, antisemitism

Doron Ben-Atar
History, Lincoln Center
US history, history of sexuality, the US in the Middle East, modern Israel, antisemitism

Ayala Fader
Anthropology, Lincoln Center
Jewish ethnography, religion, language and culture, gender, childhood, urban anthropology

Emanuel Fiano
Theology, Rose Hill
Syriac Christianity, late ancient intellectual history, Jewish-Christian relations, history and historiography of Jewish, Judaizing, and Semitic Christianities

Anne Golomb Hoffman
English, Lincoln Center
modern Hebrew and Jewish literature, psychoanalytic and feminist theory; gender studies; narratology and the late-nineteenth and early twentieth-century novel

Karina Hogan
Theology, Lincoln Center
Hebrew Bible and Second Temple period Judaism, especially wisdom and apocalyptic literature, and early biblical interpretation

Sarit Kattan Gribetz
Theology, Rose Hill
ancient Judaism, rabbinic literature, time and calendars, women and gender, religious polemics, Jewish-Christian relations

Russell Pearce
Fordham Law, Lincoln Center
legal profession, legal ethics, ethics and culture, Jewish legal ethics, interreligious dialogue

Nina Rowe
Art History, Rose Hill
medieval art, illuminated manuscripts, medievalism, historiography, Jewish-Christian relations in the Middle Ages

Daniel Soyer
History, Rose Hill
modern Jewish history, American immigration, American Jewish history

Magda Teter
History, Rose Hill/Lincoln Center
medieval and early modern Jewish history, Jewish-Christian relations, early modern Europe, eastern Europe

Affiliated Faculty

Julita Haber
Gabelli School of Business, Rose Hill
organizational behavior and impressions of competency

Eve Keller
English & Honors Program, Rose Hill
Literature, science, and medicine of early modern England, Milton, body studies

Hagit Goral Halperin
Hebrew Instructor in the Department of Modern Languages and Literatures

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