IIHA Publications
The International Humanitarian Affairs Book Series is devoted to improving the effectiveness of humanitarian relief programs. With contributions by leading professionals, the books are practical guides to responding to the many different effects of civil strife, natural disasters, epidemics, and other crises: medical, political, legal, economic, social, and cultural.
Our books have been translated into a number of different languages and are available through both Fordham University Press and Amazon.
Written by Kevin M. Cahill, M.D.
Missionary Influences: A Personal Tale focuses on missionaries, and how they influenced the Institute of International Humanitarian Affairs at Fordham University in New York. This is a very human story–with sometimes humorous, sometimes tragic–vignettes of interaction with missionaries. Dr. Kevin Cahill, M.D., cites a few individuals–out of many thousands–who had a direct and practical influence on the global courses offered by the IIHA.
Edited by Kevin M. Cahill, M.D.
Milestones in Humanitarian Action is a celebratory history, marking 25 years since the founding of the Center for International Humanitarian Cooperation (CIHC); the completion of 50 of our premier training course; the highly intensive, month-long International Diploma in Humanitarian Assistance (IDHA); the offering of dozens of other specialized courses; the publication of books, conference proceedings, and Occasional Papers, many translated into other languages and used in academic centers all over the world; the development of a Master of Arts in International Humanitarian Action (MIHA); the creation of an undergraduate major in Humanitarian Studies, one of only four such programs offered in any university anywhere; and the establishment of an independent Institute of Humanitarian Affairs (IIHA) at Fordham University in New York. These are but some of the milestones we commemorate here, so that future generations entering the evolving profession of humanitarian assistance might appreciate the challenges faced by earlier pilgrims on a journey that embraced the spiritual as well as the practical elements of this noble, multidimensional discipline.
Edited by Kevin M. Cahill, MD
Natural and human-made disasters are increasing around the world. Hurricanes, typhoons, earthquakes, tsunamis, droughts, and resultant famine, floods, and armed conflicts are constant reminders of the frailty of our human race. Global warming may cause whole island states to be submerged as the oceans rise. In the past these acute and recurring crises have been met by the international community responding to UN and media appeals. The economic collapse of nations is now a reality; some of those most affected had been traditional, generous donors to disaster relief operations. It is unlikely—probably impossible—that they will be able to continue to contribute overseas when their own domestic needs are unmet.
A recent New York Times front page report suggested that one of the few domestic issues to have bipartisan support was to cut the foreign aid budget. This book analyzes the global economic forecast and the United Nations pattern of philanthropy, provides a case study of how one nation with a tradition of giving will cope in the face of a marked reduction in flexible funds, and then provides thoughtful chapters on new approaches to disaster preparedness and disaster response. Among the contributors are the Director of UNESCO, the UN Undersecretary General for Humanitarian Assistance, the Secretary General’s Special Representative for Disaster Risk Reduction, and fresh suggestions from three well-known global entrepreneurs.
by Kevin M. Cahill, MD
The history of tropical medicine is as dramatic as the story of humankind. It has its own myths and legends, including tales of epidemics that destroyed whole civilizations. Today, with silent stealth, tropical diseases still claim more lives than all the current wars combined. Having had the privilege of working throughout Africa, Asia and Latin America, as well as in the great medical centers of Europe and the United States, the author presents the details essential for understanding pathogenesis, clinical manifestations, therapy, and prevention of the major tropical diseases. The text, now in its eighth edition, has been used for half a century by medical students, practicing physicians, and public health workers around the world. This fascinating book should also be of interest to a broad, nonmedical readership interested in world affairs.
Edited by Kevin M. Cahill, MD
In this brief but comprehensive book, Francis Deng offers a creative analysis of the situation in the Sudan, aimed at addressing, and hopefully resolving, the complex dilemmas confronting Sudan, Africa and the international community. Sudan is a country in which the stakes are high in opposite directions. As a success story, it can have a positive impact in Africa, the Middle East, and by extension, the wider international community. In sharp contrast, its fragmentation and failure could have devastating effects internally, regionally, and beyond. Therefore, this book is a must-read for those concerned with developments in Sudan at this critical juncture in the history of the country.
Edited by Kevin M. Cahill, MD
Education is an essential - if often neglected - component in responding to emergencies after conflicts or natural disasters. Children have a fundamental right to education, and to the protection that schools uniquely provide in the chaos that characterizes life for refugees and internally displaced persons. The book is grounded in the personal experiences of children, aid workers, and national leaders involved in post-conflict resolution. Experts from many troubled parts of the world consider the scope of the problem, and the tools needed to address the crisis. This is the eighth volume in the series that focuses on the multiple facets of disaster relief operations.
by Kevin M. Cahill, MD and Herbert Gilles, MD
A knowledge of clinical tropical medicine is essential for every modern physician. Diseases are no longer restricted by geographic boundaries. The scope and speed of air travel has destroyed the barriers of time and space. The diseases considered in this book—the greatest cripplers and killers of the world—rate only passing attention in most academic curricula. A clinical discipline depends on observations, experience and judgment. Our approach is based on the realization that most medical students wish to become practitioners, and most graduate physicians want the necessary basic information that will allow them to properly care for patients.
by Kevin M. Cahill, MD
For more than forty-five years, Dr. Cahill has been helping to heal the world: as a leading specialist in tropical medicine and as a driving force in humanitarian assistance and relief efforts across the globe. Physician, teacher, activist, diplomat, and advocate, Dr. Cahill has touched so many lives, and helped right so many wrongs. And in this book, he chronicles extraordinary achievements of compassion and commitment. Bringing together a rich selection of writings - essays, op-ed pieces, speeches, and other works, many out of print or hard to find - he crafts a fascinating self-portrait of a life dedicated to others.
Edited by Kevin M. Cahill, MD
Humanitarian workers around the world struggle under dangerous conditions. Yet many do not have the technological tools readily available elsewhere to help them realize their mission to provide essential services and save lives. This book is a practical guide to current technologies that can help relief and humanitarian aid workers succeed. Designed to facilitate technology transfer to the humanitarian sector, the essays focus on areas where technology is underused and predict where new technological advances may be applied to relief efforts. The essays cover essential areas: communications technology and infrastructure support and security, from personal identification and tagging systems and computer-aided language to mine removal and energy generation.
Edited by Kevin M. Cahill, MD
The tragic death in Baghdad in 2003 of Sergio Vieira de Mello, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, brought into bitter relief the challenges faced by peacekeepers and humanitarian aid workers. The contributors to this book, all leading scholars and practitioners, offer invaluable perspectives on many of the most important political, legal, social, and military challenges confronting humanitarian aid in a world of terror and conflict. These original essays explore such topics as human rights and the rights of the displaced, working with local communities to rebuild viable governance, justice and the rule of law, and maintaining safe spaces for humanitarian relief programs in zones of conflict.
Edited by Kevin M. Cahill, MD
An essential companion to Basics of International Humanitarian Missions, the first volume in this series, this book is a practical guide to planning and managing relief operations in a range of specific emergency settings. The chapters - each written by a leading professional - describe solutions to political, military, diplomatic, medical, and organizational challenges facing humanitarian operations.
Edited by Kevin M. Cahill, MD
This third volume goes beyond the practical to address fundamental questions at the heart of humanitarian action. How do different religious, cultural, and social systems and the values they support shape humanitarian action? What are the bases of caring societies? Are there universal values for human well-being? International experts come face to face with the assumptions about human dignity and social justice that guide efforts to rescue and repair communities in crises. The original essays explore mandates for humanitarian action in religious traditions, and codes of conduct for the media, military, medicine, and the academy in relief efforts. They explore threats to human welfare from terrorism and gender exploitation and assess international law, the media, and the politics of civil society in a world of war, conflict, and strife.
Edited by Kevin M. Cahill, MD
This important book is a primer on the basics of humanitarian action. The ten chapters- each written by a leading professional- introduce the essential issues facing humanitarian workers as they confront both natural and man-made crises. Designed for students, teachers, practitioners, policy-makers, journalists, and other professionals, Basics of International Humanitarian Missions covers fundamental concepts, contexts, and problems, in settings that range from floods and earthquakes to medical emergencies, civil strife, and forced migration.
Revised and Updated Edition
Edited by Kevin M. Cahill, MDThe suppression of war has been the primary objective of the United Nations for more than 50 years, and stopping a war before it starts is easier than ending a war already underway. History, however, has shown that military interventions and economic sanctions often do more harm than good. In Preventive Diplomacy, Nobel Prize winners, top officials, and revered thinkers tackle these issues and explore the process of conflict prevention from humanitarian, economic, and political perspectives. This cross-disciplinary reader on global politics demonstrates that when new insights are applied to the handling of international disasters, the change in policy perspective is intriguing - even hopeful.