Stop School Violence Project

Picture for stop the violence program

Fordham University's Center for Educational Partnerships (CEP), supported by a grant from the United States Department of Justice (DOJ), is excited to introduce the “STOP School Violence” program. This distinctive program operates within selected public middle and high schools throughout the Bronx and Manhattan. The initiative adopts a comprehensive strategy to curb school violence by focusing on mental health and engaging essential community stakeholders, including students, school staff, school safety agents, mental health professionals and families.

This three-year program offers specialized workshops and training aimed at tackling the underlying causes of aggressive behaviors among adolescents. This program creates secure and supportive educational environments by promoting practices such as trauma-informed care, restorative justice, and positive school culture enhancement at no cost to participating schools.

Key Features of the Program

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Tailored Training Workshops

Topics cover trauma-informed practices, mental health care, bullying prevention, cultural competencies, LGBTQ+ awareness, verbal de-escalation, mindfulness, and stress management.

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Leadership Teams

Topics cover trauma-informed practices, mental health care, bullying prevention, cultural competencies, LGBTQ+ awareness, verbal de-escalation, mindfulness, and stress management.

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Collaborative Strategies

We partner with school administrators, NYPD school safety agents, families, teachers, and students to foster a healthy school culture through various mental health-focused workshops.

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Comprehensive Support

The program may include an annual parent/family workshop in English or Spanish, offered in-person or virtually, and held in the evening.

This initiative not only supports schools in achieving their goals related to mental health and social-emotional learning as outlined in their Comprehensive Education Plan (CEP) but also enhances overall safety and well-being within school communities.

Picture of Helen Keller Credit: Los Angeles Times; restored by User:Rhododendrites, CC BY 4.0 , via Wikimedia Commons

Alone we can do so little; Together we can do so much.

- Helen Keller

Dr. Christopher Korolczuk
Director, DOJ “STOP School Violence” Program
Fordham University GSE. Martino Hall
45 Columbus Ave, 2nd Fl.
New York, NY 10023
P. 212-636-7616