Emergency Procedures
The University will provide updated, accurate information from the Emergency Operations Centers.
Emergency Operation Centers at Fordham University:
Rose Hill: Department of Public Safety, Thebaud Hall Annex
Lincoln Center: Residential Life Office, McMahon Hall Lobby
Westchester: First-floor Conference Room
You should access current information by viewing Fordham’s home page or by calling any one of the Emergency Information Numbers:
- 877-375-HELP (4357)
- 800-280-SNOW (7669)
- 718-817-5555
- 212-636-7777
Attention Faculty/Administrators/Deans/Department Heads/Directors:
If you have students or staff under your supervision during an emergency, be sure to follow the emergency procedures listed in the Emergency Procedures booklet or on this website. Please provide the Emergency Operations Center at your respective campus with the names and locations of each student or employee.