Severe Weather
If you receive warning that severe weather is approaching:
- Proceed to a safe area where you can stay inside and have access to weather related information.
- Ensure that you are dressed appropriately for the anticipated weather.
In a severe thunderstorm:
- Take cover immediately.
- Avoid trees.
- Avoid metal, electrical equipment, telephones, bathtubs, water faucets,and sinks.
- Completely steer clear of downed power lines.
In a flash flood:
- Seek high ground.
- Do not attempt to drive a vehicle through standing or running water.
In a tornado:
- Go to the basement or lowest point of your building, or an interior room or hallway without windows.
In a tropical storm/hurricane watch:
- Pay attention to local weather forecasts and bulletins for further directions.
- Bring inside any loose lightweight objects (i.e., garbage cans, furniture, etc.)
- Close windows and doors.
In all cases of anticipated or actual severe weather:
- Information will be available by calling the Fordham University Emergency
- Information Numbers, which are 877-375-HELP (4357), 800-280-SNOW (7669),718-817-5555, or 212-636-7777.
Department of Public Safety
Rose Hill
718-817-2222 or 718-817-5832
Extension: 2222 or 5832
Lincoln Center
212-930-8888 or 212-636-6076
Extension: 6076
914-367-3001 or 914-367-3333
Extension: 3333