GSS Accreditation and Competency

The Fordham Graduate School of Social Service (GSS) B.S.W., M.S.W. and Ph.D. in Social Work programs are accredited by the Council on Social Work Education. Students are assessed on their mastery of the competencies that comprise the Council’s accreditation standards. These competencies are dimensions of practice that all social workers are expected to master during their professional training. An assessment score at or above that benchmark set by the social work program represents mastery of that particular competency. We report all data from our social work accreditation assessments to the Council and use it to continuously review and improve our program and learning environment.

  • Council on Social Work Education - Form as 4(B)

    Fordham University GSS Baccalaureate Social Work Program
    Assessment of Student Learning Outcomes

    (Last completed on 9/13/23)

    Summary of the Program's Assessment Plan | Generalist Practice 2022-2023

    All students are assessed using a minimum of two measures on their mastery of the nine competencies that comprise the Educational Policy and Accreditation Standards of the Council on Social Work Education and any additional competencies programs may choose to add. Summarize the program's competency-based assessment plan. Programs may add/delete rows to accurately reflect the number of measures included in the data presented.

    Assessment Measure #1: Common Assignment

    Dimension(s) assessed: Knowledge, Skills, Values, C/A Processes
    When/where students are assessed: Required courses Fall, Spring, and Summer Semesters
    Who assessed the student competence: Course Instructor
    Outcome Measure Benchmark (minimum score indicative of achievement) for Competencies 1-9:  
    Exams 80% of 100%
    Common assignments Competency rating of 3 (Competent) or above
    Competency Benchmark (percent of students the program expects to have achieved the minimum scores, inclusive of all measures) for Competencies 1-9: 80% 

    Assessment Measure #2: Field Evaluations

    Dimension(s) assessed Knowledge, Skills, Values, C/A Processes
    When/where students are assessed: End of second semester of generalist year field-final evaluation at Field Placement
    Who assessed student competence: Field Instructors
    Outcome Measure Benchmark (minimum score indicative of achievement) for Competencies 1-9: Students must score at least a 3 (Competent) on each of the items measuring the competency. 

    Fordham University GSS Baccalaureate Social Work Program
    Assessment of Student Learning Outcomes 
    Last completed on (9/13/23)

    Assessment Data Collected during the Academic Year 2022-2023

    Competency Competency Benchmark Percentage of Students Achieving Benchmark

    Lincoln Center

    n = 11

    Westchester Aggregate of All Campuses
    Competency 1: Demonstrate Ethical and Professional Behavior 80% 88.67% N/A N/A
    Competency 2: Engage
    Diversity and Difference in Practice
    80% 85.29% N/A N/A
    Competency 3: Advance Human Rights and Social,
    Economic, and Environmental Justice
    80% 87.50% N/A N/A
    Competency 4: Engage In Practice-informed Research
    and Research-informed Practice
    80% 100% N/A N/A
    Competency 5: Engage in Policy Practice 80% 87.50% N/A N/A
    Competency 6: Engage with Individuals, Families,
    Groups, Organizations, and Communities
    80% 97.73% N/A N/A
    Competency 7: Assess Individuals, Families,
    Groups, Organizations, and Communities
    80% 87.50% N/A N/A
    Competency 8: Intervene with Individuals, Families,
    Groups, Organizations, and Communities
    80% 93.75% N/A N/A
    Competency 9: Evaluate Practice with Individuals, Families, Groups,
    Organizations, and Communities
    80% 100% N/A N/A

    Note: BASW students were not attending classes on the Westchester Campus.

  • Council on Social Work Education - Form as 4(M)

    Fordham University GSS Master of Social Work Program
    Assessment of Student Learning Outcomes for All MSW Programs

    (Last completed on 9/13/23)

    Summary of the Program's Assessment Plan | Generalist Practice 

    All students are assessed using a minimum of two measures on their mastery of the nine competencies that comprise the Educational Policy and Accreditation Standards of the Council on Social Work Education and any additional competencies programs may choose to add. Summarize the program's competency-based assessment plan. Programs may add/delete rows to accurately reflect the number of measures included in the data presented.

    Assessment Measure #1: Common Assignment

    Dimension(s) assessed: Knowledge, Skills, Values, C/A Processes
    When/where students are assessed: Required courses Fall, Spring, and Summer Semesters
    Who assessed the student competence: Course Instructor
    Outcome Measure Benchmark (minimum score indicative of achievement) for Competencies 1-9:  
    Exams 80% of 100%
    Common assignments Competency rating of 3 (Competent) or above
    Competency Benchmark (percent of students the program expects to have achieved the minimum scores, inclusive of all measures) for Competencies 1-9: 80%

    Assessment Measure #2: Field Evaluations

    Dimension(s) assessed Knowledge, Skills, Values, C/A Processes
    When/where students are assessed: End of second semester of generalist year field-final evaluation at Field Placement
    Who assessed student competence: Field Instructors
    Outcome Measure Benchmark (minimum score indicative of achievement) for Competencies 1-9: Students must score at least a 3 (Competent) on each of the items measuring the competency.

    Summary of the Program's Assessment Plan | Specialized Practice 

    All students are assessed using a minimum of two measures on their mastery of the nine competencies that comprise the Educational Policy and Accreditation Standards of the Council on Social Work Education and any additional competencies programs may choose to add, that reflect the area of specialized practice. Summarize the program's competency-based assessment plan. Programs may add/delete rows to accurately reflect the number of areas of specialized practice and each measure included in the data presented.

    Assessment Measure #1: Common Assignment

    Dimension(s) assessed: Knowledge and Skills
    When/where students are assessed: Required courses Fall, Spring, and Summer Semesters
    Who assessed the student competence: Course Instructor
    Outcome Measure Benchmark (minimum score indicative of achievement) for Competencies 1-9: 80%
    Exams 80% of 100%
    Competency Benchmark (percent of students the program expects to have achieved the minimum scores, inclusive of all measures) for Competencies 1-9: 80% 

    Assessment Measure #2: Field Evaluation

    Dimension(s) assessed Knowledge, Skills, Values, C/A Processes
    When/where students are assessed: End of second semester of specialist year field-final evaluation at Field Placement
    Who assessed student competence: Field Instructor
    Outcome Measure Benchmark (minimum score indicative of achievement) for Competencies 1-9: Students must score at least a 3 (Competent) on each of the items measuring the competency. 

    Council on Social Work Education - Form as 4(M)

    Fordham University GSS Master of Social Work Program
    Assessment of Student Learning Outcomes for All MSW Programs

    Assessment Data Collected During the Academic Year 2022-2023

    (Last completed on 9/13/23)

    Competency Competency Benchmark (Generalist) Competency Benchmark (Area of Specialized Practice) Percentage of Students Achieving Benchmark
    Generalist Practice Specialist
    Competency 1: Demonstrate Ethical and Professional Behavior 80% 80% 97.52%
    (n = 430)
    (n = 558)
    Competency 2: Engage Diversity and Difference in Practice 80% 80% 97.71%
    (n = 398)

    (n = 578)

    Competency 3: Advance Human Rights and Social, Economic, and Environmental Justice 80% 80% 96.13%
    (n = 406)
    (n = 587)
    Competency 4: Engage In Practice-informed Research and Research-informed Practice 80% 80% 95.29%
    (n = 407)
    (n = 642)
    Competency 5: Engage in Policy Practice 80% 80% 94.93%
    (n = 405)
    (n = 577)
    Competency 6: Engage with Individuals, Families, Groups, Organizations, and Communities 80% 80% 96.65%
    (n = 400)
    (n = 557)
    Competency 7: Assess Individuals, Families, Groups, Organizations, and Communities 80% 80% 98.46%
    (n = 423)
    (n = 762)
    Competency 8: Intervene with Individuals, Families, Groups, Organizations, and Communities 80% 80% 97.23%
    (n = 453)
    (n = 549)
    Competency 9: Evaluate Practice with Individuals, Families, Groups, Organizations, and Communities 80% 80% 95.16%
    (n = 401)
    (n = 650)
  • Council on Social Work Education - Form as 4(M)

    Fordham University GSS Master of Social Work Program
    Assessment of Student Learning Outcomes
    Program Option: Westchester Campus

    (Last completed 9/13/23)

    Summary of the Program's Assessment Plan | Generalist Practice 

    All students are assessed using a minimum of two measures on their mastery of the nine competencies that comprise the Educational Policy and Accreditation Standards of the Council on Social Work Education and any additional competencies programs may choose to add. Summarize the program's competency-based assessment plan. Programs may add/delete rows to accurately reflect the number of measures included in the data presented.

    Assessment Measure #1: Common Assignment

    Dimension(s) assessed: Knowledge, Skills, Values, C/A Processes
    When/where students are assessed: Required courses Fall, Spring, and Summer Semesters
    Who assessed the student competence: Course Instructor
    Outcome Measure Benchmark (minimum score indicative of achievement) for Competencies 1-9:  
    Exams 80% of 100%
    Common assignments Competency rating of 3 (Competent) or above
    Competency Benchmark (percent of students the program expects to have achieved the minimum scores, inclusive of all measures) for Competencies 1-9: 80%

    Assessment Measure #2: Field Evaluations

    Dimension(s) assessed Knowledge, Skills, Values, C/A Processes
    When/where students are assessed: End of second semester of generalist year field-final evaluation at Field Placement
    Who assessed student competence: Field Instructors
    Outcome Measure Benchmark (minimum score indicative of achievement) for Competencies 1-9: Students must score at least a 3 (Competent) on each of the items measuring the competency.

    Summary of the Program's Assessment Plan | Specialized Practice 

    All students are assessed using a minimum of two measures on their mastery of the nine competencies that comprise the Educational Policy and Accreditation Standards of the Council on Social Work Education and any additional competencies programs may choose to add, that reflect the area of specialized practice. Summarize the program's competency-based assessment plan. Programs may add/delete rows to accurately reflect the number of areas of specialized practice and each measure included in the data presented.

    Assessment Measure #1: Common Assignment

    Dimension(s) assessed: Knowledge and Skills
    When/where students are assessed: Required courses Fall, Spring, and Summer Semesters
    Who assessed the student competence: Course Instructor
    Outcome Measure Benchmark (minimum score indicative of achievement) for Competencies 1-9: 80%
    Exams 80% of 100%
    Competency Benchmark (percent of students the program expects to have achieved the minimum scores, inclusive of all measures) for Competencies 1-9: 80% 

    Assessment Measure #2: Field Evaluation

    Dimension(s) assessed Knowledge, Skills, Values, C/A Processes
    When/where students are assessed: End of second semester of specialist year field-final evaluation at Field Placement
    Who assessed student competence: Field Instructor
    Outcome Measure Benchmark (minimum score indicative of achievement) for Competencies 1-9: Students must score at least a 3 (Competent) on each of the items measuring the competency.

    Council on Social Work Education - Form as 4(M)

    Fordham University GSS Master of Social Work Program
    Assessment of Student Learning Outcomes
    Program Option: Westchester Campus

    (Last completed 9/13/23)

    Assessment Data Collected during the Academic Year 2022-2023

    Competency Competency Benchmark (Generalist) Competency Benchmark (Area of Specialized Practice) Percentage of Students Achieving Benchmark
    Generalist Practice Specialist
    Competency 1: Demonstrate Ethical and Professional Behavior 80% 80% 96.88%
    (n = 35)
    (n = 38)
    Competency 2: Engage Diversity and Difference in Practice 80% 80% 98.65%
    (n = 38)
    (n = 49)
    Competency 3: Advance Human Rights and Social, Economic, and Environmental Justice 80% 80% 100%
    (n = 36)
    (n = 40)
    Competency 4: Engage In Practice-informed Research and Research-informed Practice 80% 80% 98.61%
    (n = 41)
    (n = 39)
    Competency 5: Engage in Policy Practice 80% 80% 94.98%
    (n = 40)
    (n = 39)
    Competency 6: Engage with Individuals, Families, Groups, Organizations, and Communities 80% 80% 100%
    (n = 37)
    (n = 39)
    Competency 7: Assess Individuals, Families, Groups, Organizations, and Communities 80% 80% 100%
    (n = 36)
    (n = 59)
    Competency 8: Intervene with Individuals, Families, Groups, Organizations, and Communities 80% 80% 95.60%
    (n = 37)
    (n = 39)
    Competency 9: Evaluate Practice with Individuals, Families, Groups, Organizations, and Communities 80% 80% 98.89%
    (n = 40)
    (n = 43)
  • Council on Social Work Education - Form as 4(M)

    Fordham University GSS Master of Social Work Program
    Assessment of Student Learning Outcomes
    Program Option: Lincoln Center Campus

    (Last completed 9/13/23)

    Summary of the Program's Assessment Plan | Generalist Practice 

    All students are assessed using a minimum of two measures on their mastery of the nine competencies that comprise the Educational Policy and Accreditation Standards of the Council on Social Work Education and any additional competencies programs may choose to add. Summarize the program's competency-based assessment plan. Programs may add/delete rows to accurately reflect the number of measures included in the data presented.

    Assessment Measure #1: Common Assignment

    Dimension(s) assessed: Knowledge, Skills, Values, C/A Processes
    When/where students are assessed: Required courses Fall, Spring, and Summer Semesters
    Who assessed the student competence: Course Instructor
    Outcome Measure Benchmark (minimum score indicative of achievement) for Competencies 1-9:  
    Exams 80% of 100%
    Common assignments Competency rating of 3 (Competent) or above
    Competency Benchmark (percent of students the program expects to have achieved the minimum scores, inclusive of all measures) for Competencies 1-9: 80%

    Assessment Measure #2: Field Evaluations

    Dimension(s) assessed Knowledge, Skills, Values, C/A Processes
    When/where students are assessed: End of second semester of generalist year field-final evaluation at Field Placement
    Who assessed student competence: Field Instructors
    Outcome Measure Benchmark (minimum score indicative of achievement) for Competencies 1-9: Students must score at least a 3 (Competent) on each of the items measuring the competency.

    Summary of the Program's Assessment Plan | Specialized Practice 

    All students are assessed using a minimum of two measures on their mastery of the nine competencies that comprise the Educational Policy and Accreditation Standards of the Council on Social Work Education and any additional competencies programs may choose to add, that reflect the area of specialized practice. Summarize the program's competency-based assessment plan. Programs may add/delete rows to accurately reflect the number of areas of specialized practice and each measure included in the data presented.

    Assessment Measure #1: Common Assignment

    Dimension(s) assessed: Knowledge and Skills
    When/where students are assessed: Required courses Fall, Spring, and Summer Semesters
    Who assessed the student competence: Course Instructor
    Outcome Measure Benchmark (minimum score indicative of achievement) for Competencies 1-9: 80%
    Exams 80% of 100%
    Competency Benchmark (percent of students the program expects to have achieved the minimum scores, inclusive of all measures) for Competencies 1-9: 80% 

    Assessment Measure #2: Field Evaluation

    Dimension(s) assessed Knowledge, Skills, Values, C/A Processes
    When/where students are assessed: End of second semester of specialist year field-final evaluation at Field Placement
    Who assessed student competence: Field Instructor
    Outcome Measure Benchmark (minimum score indicative of achievement) for Competencies 1-9: Students must score at least a 3 (Competent) on each of the items measuring the competency.

    Council on Social Work Education - Form as 4(M)

    Fordham University GSS Master of Social Work Program
    Assessment of Student Learning Outcomes
    Program Option: Lincoln Center Campus

    (Last completed 9/13/23)

    Assessment Data Collected during the Academic Year 2022-2023

    Competency Competency Benchmark (Generalist) Competency Benchmark (Area of Specialized Practice) Percentage of Students Achieving Benchmark
    Generalist Practice Specialist
    Competency 1: Demonstrate Ethical and Professional Behavior 80% 80% 98.68%
    (n = 115)
    (n = 107)
    Competency 2: Engage Diversity and Difference in Practice 80% 80% 97.55%
    (n = 109)
    (n = 117)
    Competency 3: Advance Human Rights and Social, Economic, and Environmental Justice 80% 80% 93.69%
    (n = 109)
    (n = 101)
    Competency 4: Engage In Practice-informed Research and Research-informed Practice 80% 80% 98.11%
    (n = 106)
    (n = 111)
    Competency 5: Engage in Policy Practice 80% 80% 94.07%
    (n = 99)
    (n = 102)
    Competency 6: Engage with Individuals, Families, Groups, Organizations, and Communities 80% 80% 96.67%
    (n = 107)
    (n = 104)
    Competency 7: Assess Individuals, Families, Groups, Organizations, and Communities 80% 80% 96.98%
    (n = 110)
    (n = 154)
    Competency 8: Intervene with Individuals, Families, Groups, Organizations, and Communities 80% 80% 96.80%
    (n = 116)
    (n = 104)
    Competency 9: Evaluate Practice with Individuals, Families, Groups, Organizations, and Communities 80% 80% 95.95%
    (n = 104)
    (n = 118)
  • Council on Social Work Education - Form as 4(M)

    Fordham University GSS Master of Social Work Program
    Assessment of Student Learning Outcomes
    Program Option: Online 

    (Last completed 9/13/23)

    Summary of the Program's Assessment Plan | Generalist Practice 

    All students are assessed using a minimum of two measures on their mastery of the nine competencies that comprise the Educational Policy and Accreditation Standards of the Council on Social Work Education and any additional competencies programs may choose to add. Summarize the program's competency-based assessment plan. Programs may add/delete rows to accurately reflect the number of measures included in the data presented.

    Assessment Measure #1: Common Assignment

    Dimension(s) assessed: Knowledge, Skills, Values, C/A Processes
    When/where students are assessed: Required courses Fall, Spring, and Summer Semesters
    Who assessed the student competence: Course Instructor
    Outcome Measure Benchmark (minimum score indicative of achievement) for Competencies 1-9:  
    Exams 80% of 100%
    Common assignments Competency rating of 3 (Competent) or above
    Competency Benchmark (percent of students the program expects to have achieved the minimum scores, inclusive of all measures) for Competencies 1-9: 80%

    Assessment Measure #2: Field Evaluations

    Dimension(s) assessed Knowledge, Skills, Values, C/A Processes
    When/where students are assessed: End of second semester of generalist year field-final evaluation at Field Placement
    Who assessed student competence: Field Instructors
    Outcome Measure Benchmark (minimum score indicative of achievement) for Competencies 1-9: Students must score at least a 3 (Competent) on each of the items measuring the competency.

    Summary of the Program's Assessment Plan | Specialized Practice 

    All students are assessed using a minimum of two measures on their mastery of the nine competencies that comprise the Educational Policy and Accreditation Standards of the Council on Social Work Education and any additional competencies programs may choose to add, that reflect the area of specialized practice. Summarize the program's competency-based assessment plan. Programs may add/delete rows to accurately reflect the number of areas of specialized practice and each measure included in the data presented.

    Assessment Measure #1: Common Assignment

    Dimension(s) assessed: Knowledge and Skills
    When/where students are assessed: Required courses Fall, Spring, and Summer Semesters
    Who assessed the student competence: Course Instructor
    Outcome Measure Benchmark (minimum score indicative of achievement) for Competencies 1-9: 80%
    Exams 80% of 100%
    Competency Benchmark (percent of students the program expects to have achieved the minimum scores, inclusive of all measures) for Competencies 1-9: 80% 

    Assessment Measure #2: Field Evaluation

    Dimension(s) assessed Knowledge, Skills, Values, C/A Processes
    When/where students are assessed: End of second semester of specialist year field-final evaluation at Field Placement
    Who assessed student competence: Field Instructor
    Outcome Measure Benchmark (minimum score indicative of achievement) for Competencies 1-9: Students must score at least a 3 (Competent) on each of the items measuring the competency.

    Council on Social Work Education - Form as 4(M)

    Fordham University GSS Master of Social Work Program
    Assessment of Student Learning Outcomes
    Program Option: Online

    (Last completed 9/13/23)

    Assessment Data Collected during the Academic Year 2022-2023

    Competency Competency Benchmark (Generalist) Competency Benchmark (Area of Specialized Practice) Percentage of Students Achieving Benchmark
    Generalist Practice Specialist
    Competency 1: Demonstrate Ethical and Professional Behavior 80% 80% 96.71%
    (n = 267)
    (n = 381)
    Competency 2: Engage Diversity and Difference in Practice 80% 80% 96.99%
    (n = 249)
    (n = 408)
    Competency 3: Advance Human Rights and Social, Economic, and Environmental Justice 80% 80% 96.42%
    (n = 269)
    (n = 447)
    Competency 4: Engage In Practice-informed Research and Research-informed Practice 80% 80% 96.11%
    (n = 297)
    (n = 488)
    Competency 5: Engage in Policy Practice 80% 80% 95.91%
    (n = 271)
    (n = 446)
    Competency 6: Engage with Individuals, Families, Groups, Organizations, and Communities 80% 80% 98.54%
    (n = 282)
    (n = 379)
    Competency 7: Assess Individuals, Families, Groups, Organizations, and Communities 80% 80% 98.20%
    (n = 210)
    (n = 546)
    Competency 8: Intervene with Individuals, Families, Groups, Organizations, and Communities 80% 80% 98.15%
    (n = 283)
    (n = 377)
    Competency 9: Evaluate Practice with Individuals, Families, Groups, Organizations, and Communities 80% 80% 95.93%
    (n = 289)
    (n = 497)