G. Lawrence Farmer

Professor and Doctoral Program Director
Phone: 212-636-7081
Email: [email protected]
Office: Lincoln Center 503-E
B.A., University of Pittsburgh
M.S.W., University of Pittsburgh
Ph.D., Florida International University
Positive Youth Development
School Social Work Practice
Social and Emotional Development
Curtis, C., Hurley, L., & Farmer, G. L. (2021). Subjective well-being, critical race theory, and the assessment of measurement invariance across racial groups. American Journal of Evaluation, 42(2), 314-331.
Davis, H. J., Heyman, J., Kelly, P., Matloff-Nieves, S., Farmer, G. L., Wackstein, N., & Castro, D. (2022). Community Resident Voices Empowered: Exploring Public Housing Resident Needs and Assets through Qualitative Stories. Urban Social Work, 6,(3), 228-239. DOI: 10.1891/USW-2021-0010
Farmer, G. L., & Adams, D. (2022). Graded Response Modeling of the DESSA’s Self- and Social-Awareness subscales in a Special Nee DOI: 10.1891/USW-2021-0010 d Sample. Youth, 2(2), 98-112.
Farmer,G.L. & Adams, D. (2001). Social-emotional competence among students with special needs: Relationship between foundational and applied skills. American Journal of Educational Research, 9(7), 410-416. DOI: 10.12691/education-9-7-3
Farmer, G. L., Heyman, J. C., Kelly, P. L., & Leaman, T. L. (2021). Prevalence of risk and protective factors for homelessness among youth in foster care. Child Welfare, 99(1), 69-91.
Dean's Consortium of Schools of Social Work Evidence-based Practice in Mental Health $20,336.00
Audacia Foundation Workforce Survey $198,707.00
Resilient Scholar Program $32,000.00
Evidence-based Practice in Mental Health
School Social Work Practice
Program Evaluation
Advanced Integrated Practice Evaluation and Research
G. Lawrence Farmer, MSW, Ph.D., is a Professor and Director of the Doctoral Program at Fordham University’s Graduate School of Social Service. He earned his PhD. in Social Welfare at Florida International University, his M.S.W., and BA in Psychology and Biomedical Ethics at the University of Pittsburgh. His scholarly interests center on understanding those factors that promote the well-being of youth. For example, the role the social worker can plan to strengthen the social environment’s ability to promote the development of non-cognitive competencies in youth that will promote positive youth development. Additionally, Dr. Farmer has interests in psychometrics, implementation science, and advanced quantitative statistical methods. He is currently in partnership with the Urban Assembly (https://urbanassembly.org/), to research the development, implementation, and evaluation of social-emotional learning interventions in public schools.