Jemel Aguilar

Associate Professor
Email: [email protected]
Office: Lincoln Center 704H
Ph.D., University of Minnesota Twin Cities, Focus on Social WelfareMSW, University of Minnesota Twin Cities, Focus on Children and Family Community ServicesMPH, Southern Connecticut State University, Focus on Data Science for Health PromotionB.A. Empire State College, Focus on Human Development
Oppression and PrivilegeHealth and mental health service utilizationHealth and mental health inequitiesData science for health and social servicesCommunity-partnered interventions
Jemel Aguilar completed his doctoral and master's degrees in social work at the University of Minnesota Twin Cities. Dr. Aguilar focused on advanced generalist social work practice with children and families to build upon his long history in HIV services. Dr. Aguilar's training in HIV for many years and his HIV service history fueled an approach and academic interest in health promotion among low-income and poor populations and those with marginalized identities and social locations. Dr. Aguilar also completed a Master's in Public Health to complement his social work training. Over the years of his academic service, Dr. Aguilar has conducted research in these areas that have been published in prominent social work journals such as Culture, Health, and Sexuality, Social Work in Mental Health, Journal of Human Behavior in the Social Environment, and Journal of Community Practice. Dr. Aguilar is the author of Decolonizing Human Behavior in the Social Environment: A reader for an anti-oppressive approach and is editing a Human Behavior in the Social Environment textbook that focuses on multiple marginalized identities throughout the lifespan.