Rachelle E. Kammer

Clinical Professor
Phone: 212-636-6660
Email: [email protected]
Office: Lincoln Center 725D
BA, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
MSW, PhD, Columbia University
My primary research interests focus on the specialized treatment needs of adolescent girls and women with substance abuse problems. I am also involved in studying the unique needs of older adults with substance abuse issues.
Early Childhood Social Emotional Development
Principal Investigator/Evaluator. Westchester New York Early Step Forward (ESF) Project. Working with Westchester County Department of Community Mental Health to conduct a qualitative and quantitative evaluation of the effectiveness of an evidence based early childhood social-emotional curriculum. ESF is being implemented in ten child care centers serving approximately 800 young children located Westchester County. Project coordination and oversight through Children FIRST, Fordham University.
Generalist Practice with Individuals, Families and Groups I and II
Practice with Abusers of Alcohol and Other Substances
BASW Integrative Seminar
Steering Committee, Institute for Women and Girls, Fordham University, 2006 - Present.
Faculty Leader, Institute for Women and Girls Student Group, Fordham University, 2008- Present.
Member NASW, 1993 - Present.