Winnie W. Kung

Phone: 212-636-6635
Email: [email protected]
Office: Lincoln Center 723C
Dr. Kung is an associate professor at Fordham University Graduate School of Social Service. Her research interests mainly focus on mental health and families, with an emphasis on cultural impacts. Her recent publications include the mental health impact of the World Trade Center attack on Asian Americans and their service use through her grant from The National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health under the Center on Disease Control and Prevention. She did an intervention research on an ethnically sensitive family intervention for Chinese American caregivers of patients suffering from schizophrenia with research grants from The Lois and Samuel Silberman Fund, Bristol-Myers Squibb Foundation. She also did studies on Chinese Americans caregivers’ burden and causal attributions of schizophrenia, Chinese Americans’ help-seeking behaviors and barriers to mental health treatment, integration of primary care and mental health services, and the sociocultural contexts in shaping divorced women’s stress and coping in Hong Kong. She researched on depression and marital distress as well as depression among Mexican Americans.
Dr. Kung has taught for seven years at the University of Southern California and a year at The University of Hong Kong after her doctoral training at the University of Chicago. She currently teaches graduate clinical practice courses at Fordham. She was involved for five years in the U.S.-China Collaborative Project organized by the US Council on Social Work Education and The China Association of Social Work Education and taught in six universities in China. She also conducted studies on social work education and social service personnel in China in recent years.
Kung, W. W. (in press). Commentary: Factors related to the probable PTSD 2-3 years after the 9/11 World Trade Center attack among Asian Americans. Journal of Lung Disease and Health.
Poon, A. & Kung, W.W. (in press). An overview of social work approaches in working with families of people with mental illness. In Social Work and Mental Health, R. Ow & A. Poon (Volume Eds.). Major Research in Social Work Series, R. Hugman, Editor-in-Chief. Springer: Sidney, Australia.
Kung, W. W., Wang, X.R., Goodmann, E., Liu, X., Huang, D., & Yang, L. (under review). Mental health service use of Asian Americans 5-6 years after the World Trade Center Attack at Social Service Review.
Huang, D., Wang, X., Kung, W. W., Liu, X., Yang, L.H. (under review). The impact of job-loss on post-traumatic stress disorder among Asian Americans after 11-12 years exposed to the World Trade Center Attack. Journal of Traumatic Stress.
Kung, W. W., Liu, X., Huang, D., Kim, P., & Yang, L. (2018). Factors related to the probable PTSD 2-3 years after the 9/11 World Trade Center attack among Asian Americans. Journal of Urban Health: Bulletin of the New York Academy of Medicine.
Kung, W. W., Liu, X., Goldmann, E. S., Huang, D., Wang, X., Kim, K., Kim, P., & Yang, L. (2018). Change Pattern of Short-to-Medium-Term Posttraumatic Stress Disorder among Asian Americans Following the World Trade Center Attack. Journal of Community Psychology.
Kung, W. (2016). Tangible needs and external stressors faced by Chinese American families with a patient having schizophrenia. Social Work Research, doi: 10.1093/swr/svv047, 1-11.
Kung, W. W. (2015). Culture- and migration-related stressors faced by Chinese America families having a patient with schizophrenia. Journal of Marital and Family Therapy, doi: 10.1111/jmft.12145, 1-14.
Congress, E. P. & Kung, W. W. (2013). Using the culturagram to access and empower culturally diverse families. In E. P. Congress & M. Gonzales (Eds.). Multicultural perspectives in working with families, 2nd ed. (pp. 1-20). New York: Springer Publishing.
Kung, W. W., Tseng, Y.-F., Wang, Y., Hsu, P.-C., Chen, D. (2012) “Pilot Study of Ethnically-Sensitive Family Psychoeducation for Chinese American Patients with Schizophrenia” Social Work in Mental Health. 10(5), 384-408.
Kung, W. W. & Lu, P.-C. (2008). How symptom manifestations affect help seeking for mental health problems among Chinese Americans. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 196(1), 45-54.
Kung, W. W. & Tseng, Y.-F. (2006). Mental Health Issues of Chinese Americans: Help Seeking Behaviors and Culturally Relevant Services. In J. Rosenberg & S. Rosenberg (Eds.) Community Mental Health: Challenges for the 21st Century (pp. 141-152.) New York: Brunner Routledge.
Congress, E. P. & Kung, W. W. (2005). Using the culturagram to access and empower culturally diverse families. In E. P. Congress & M. Gonzales (Eds.). Multicultural perspectives in working with families (pp. 3-21.) New York: Springer Publishing.
Chan, C. L. W., Hung, S. L., Kung, W. W. (2005). Rediscovery of the “self”: culturally-sensitive intervention for Chinese divorced women.” In K. P. H. Young & A. Y. L. Fok (Eds.). Marriage, divorce and remarriage: Professional practice in the Hong Kong cultural context (pp. 143-168). Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press.
Kung, W. W. (2005). Western model, Eastern context: Cultural adaptations of family interventions for patients with schizophrenia in China. International Social Work, 48(4), 409-418.
Yeung, A., Kung, W. W., Murakami, J., Mischoulon, D., Alpert, J. A., Nierenberg, A., Fava, A. (2005). Outcome of Recognizing Depressed Chinese American Patients in Primary Care. International Journal of Psychiatry and Medicine, 35(3), 213-224.
Kung, W. W. (2004). Cultural and practical barriers to seeking mental health treatment for Chinese Americans. Journal of Community Psychology,32(1), 27-43.
Kung, W. W. (2004). Causal attributions of schizophrenia by Chinese American caregivers. Journal of Ethnic & Cultural Diversity in Social Work,13(1), 37-57.
Kung, W. W. (2004). Cultural consideration in working with families with a mental patient in China. In Tsang, K., Yan, M., & Shera, W. (eds.) Social work in China: A snapshot of critical issues and emerging ideas (pp. 123-132.) Toronto, Canada: University of Toronto Press.
Kung, W. W., Hung, S. L., & Chan, C. L. (2004). How the socio-cultural context shapes women’s divorce experience in Hong Kong. Journal of Comparative Family Studies, 35, 33-50.
Yeung, A., Kung, W. W., Rubenstein, G., Chung, H., Rubenstein, G., Roffi, P., Mischoulon, D., Fava, M. (2004). Integrating psychiatry and primary care improves acceptability to mental health services among Chinese Americans. General Hospital Psychiatry,26(4), 256-260.
Yeung, A. & Kung, W. W. (2004). How culture impacts on the treatment of mental illnesses among Asian Americans. Psychiatric Times, 21(1), 34-36.
Kung, W. W. (2003). Chinese Americans’ help seeking for emotional distress. Social Service Review, 77, 110-134.
Kung, W. W. (2003). The illness, stigma, culture, or immigration? Burdens on Chinese American caregivers of patients with schizophrenia. Families in Society, 84, 547-557.
Kung, W. W., Castaneda, I., & Lee, P. (2003). Stress, social support, and coping as predictors of depression level: Differences between native-born and immigrant Mexican Americans. Journal of Immigrant and Refugee Services, 1 (3/4), 61-80.
Hung, S. L., Kung, W. W., & Chan, C. L. (2003). Women coping with divorce in the unique sociocultural context of Hong Kong. Journal of Family Social Work 7,1-22.
Kung, W. W. (2002). Marital distress and depression: a review of marital therapy. Published electronically in the online journal Understanding stress, anxiety, and depression for STAND (an initiative of the Sir Robert Mond Memorial Trust).
Kung, W. W. (2001). Consideration of cultural factors in working with Chinese American families with a mentally ill patient. Families in Society, 82, 97-107.
Kung, W. W. (2001). How to enhance the validity of social work practice research. Journal of Social Work Practice & Evaluation, 1, 25-45 (in Chinese).
Kung, W. W. (2001). Working with families with a mentally ill patient: considerations of the Chinese sociocultural context. In Tsang, K., Wang, S., & Yan, M. (eds.) Proceedings from the international conference on the twenty-first century social work development in China (140-152). Beijing, China: Chinese Social Sciences Publishers. (In Chinese).
Kung, W. W. (2000). The intertwined relationship between depression and marital distress: Elements of marital therapy conducive to effective treatment outcome. Journal of Marital and Family Therapy, 26, 51-63.
Kung, W. W. (2000). Rating scale of therapists’ systemic responses in an individual
treatment context. Family Process, 39, 207-217.
Kung, W. W. & Elkin, I. (2000). Marital adjustment as a predictor of outcome in individual treatment of depression. Psychotherapy Research, 10, 267-278.
Bae, S. & Kung, W. W. (2000). Family intervention for Asian Americans with a schizophrenic patient in the family. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 70, 532-541.
Mental health issues in relation to minorities especially Asian Americans, including service use, recognition of mental health symptoms and stigma
Cultural and racial considerations and adaptations in mental health service provisions to minority groups
Family psychoeducation for Asian families with serious mental illnesses
PTSD and other mental health issues among Asian Americans in relation to the World Trade Center attack
Social work education in China under different systems and developmental context