Elizabeth Matthews

Elizabeth Matthews headshot

Assistant Professor
Phone: 212-636-7784
Email: [email protected]
Office: Lincoln Center 721B

  • BA, Occidental College
    MSW, Columbia University
    PhD, Rutgers University


    Health and mental health services

    Health Information Technology

    Person-centered care

    Integrated behavioral health

    Implementation science


  • Dr. Matthews is an assistant professor at Fordham University Graduate School of Social Service. She received her PhD from Rutgers University School of Social Work. Prior to her academic career, Dr. Matthews worked as a clinical social worker in an integrated community health and mental health center. Drawing from these experiences, her present research focuses on improving the adoption of patient-centered practices in health and mental health services, particularly the use of technology to support the of delivery patient-centered care. Her work has been supported by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, the Center for Data Science,  and the National Association of Social Workers.

  • Lushin, V., Matthews, E.B., Stanhope, V., Rivera, R., Rzewinski, J., Stewart, R., Rees, J., & Marcus, S. (2022). Feasibility and acceptability of collaborative documentation tool for implementing medication-assisted treatment in substance abuse counseling. Journal of Social Work Practices in the Addictions. Online first.

    Matthews, E.B.,  Savoy, M., Paranjape, A., Washington, D., Hackney, T. Galis, D., & Zisman-Ilani, Y (2022) Acceptability of Health Information Exchange and Patient Portal Use in Depression Care Among Underrepresented Patients Journal of General Internal Medicine

    Matthews, E.B. & Akincigil, A. (2021) The Impact of Electronic Health Record Functions on Patterns of Depression Treatment in Primary Care. Informatics for Health and Social Care, epub 21 October. 

    Matthews, E.B.,  Savoy, M., Paranjape, A., Washington, D., Hackney, T. Galis, D., & Zisman-Ilani, Y. (2021) Shared decision making in primary care based depression treatment: Communication and decision-making preferences among an underserved patient population. Frontiers in Psychiatry, epub 12 July.

  • Matthews, EB Marcus, SC (MPI) 
    Leonard Davis Institute for Health Economics
    January 2022-May 2023
    Delivering Integrated Care for Individuals with Serious Mental Illness and Chronic Disease: Examining the Potential of Federally Qualified Health Centers. 

    Grant #78967 (Matthews, EB) 
    Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
    December 2021-November 2023
    Delivering Integrated Care for Individuals with Serious Mental Illness and Chronic Disease: Examining the Potential of Federally Qualified Health Centers

    Grant #: CDS-FY22-01(Victoria Stanhope, PI) 
    Center on Data Science and Social Equity
    Harnessing Natural Language Processing to Measure Person-Centered Care in Behavioral Health Settings.
    Role: Co-Investigator


  • Advanced Clinical Assessment and Diagnosis

    Advanced Integrated Practice with Individuals, Groups, and Families

    Health Care Policy & Advocacy