GSAS Santander International Internships Fellowship

Deadline to apply: TBA

The Graduate School of Arts and Sciences Santander International Internships Fellowships provide support for masters and doctoral students who wish to devote the summer to working with an international non-governmental organization (NGO).

Award Information

The Santander International Internships Fellowship provides financial support for travel, visas, living and program expenses for GSAS students doing summer internships and field work abroad. The amount of the award can vary depending on the details of the proposal. The amount requested must be justified with a detailed budget and supporting documentation (see GSAS Budget Proposal Form in application instructions below).

If a student plans to complete an internship for an NGO, and can do so in the absence of travel arrangements, then the student may be eligible to receive this award. Please plan accordingly when preparing your application.


Doctoral students and masters students in good standing with satisfactory academic progress according to the guidelines established by GSAS and who will have completed at least one semester of full-time graduate study (minimum of 9 credits) in the GSAS by the time the Fellowship begins are eligible to apply for a Santander International Internships Fellowship.

Application Instructions

  1. Fill out the online application form.
  2. Prepare the documents listed below. Files should be uploaded on the application site and should begin with the student's name followed by CV, Narrative, Doc., Budget, (e.g. Smith_CV_DISS14F)
    1. Curriculum Vitae
    2. An internship/project narrative, not to exceed two double spaced pages (minimum 12 pt. font). It should explain the objectives and goals of the student’s internship experience. (Remember that your narrative will be reviewed by faculty members outside of your disciplinary area.)
    3. GSAS Budget Proposal Form
    4. Documentation of Acceptance (if appropriate)

Review and Selection Process

Applications will be ranked by the department and then will be reviewed by the Distinguished Fellowship Committee (DFC). The members of the DFC will read all applications and will make its recommendations to the Dean. Applicants will receive notification through email approving or denying their applications approximately two months after the application deadline.