GSAS Fellowship in Higher Education Leadership
The hallmark of this Fellowship is collaborative mentorship. This means Fellows help carry out the vision of the Dean, and also contribute their own ideas to the Graduate School. The access and training it gives GSAS students is unparalleled.

- Helping create GSAS Futures
- Facilitating a grant funded by the Association of Catholic Colleges and Universities
- Representing GSAS on University-wide committees such as the Task Force on the Future of Liberal Education and the Middle States Task Force on Assessment of Student Learning
- Attending national education conferences such as the Council of Graduate Schools and the Middle States Commission on Higher Education
- Participating in the Graduate Career Consortium
- Publishing articles in Inside Higher Ed
About the Fellowship
The Fellowship offers an exciting opportunity to engage with strategic initiatives in higher education, both within the Graduate School of Arts & Sciences and across Fordham University. GSAS Fellows benefit from rigorous, collegial mentoring. Indeed, an emerging hallmark of the Fellowship is the unparalleled experience Fellows gain by shadowing a senior member of GSAS administration. Our Fellows gain an insider’s perspective on how a graduate school operates, as well as the opportunity to contribute to the school’s daily functions and its long-term vision.
Each Fellow’s role is tailored to match the interests and skills of the Fellow with current GSAS initiatives. Fellows also have opportunities to better the social and academic lives of graduate students at Fordham by assisting in the development of new policies and supporting the development of new student development and professionalization programs. Past Fellows have helped launch GSAS Futures, develop a new Preparing Future Faculty program, coordinate the inaugural dissertation/thesis boot camp, support Fordham’s Middle States reaccreditation activities, and develop the new GSAS strategic plan under the Continuous University Strategic Planning (CUSP) framework.
Fellowship Description
The Fellowship is an exciting opportunity to engage with the challenges (and delights) of higher education administration. Fellows work closely with senior staff members, and benefit from rigorous, collegial mentoring. They gain an insider's perspective on the day-to-day workings of a graduate school, and have opportunities to better the social and academic lives of graduate students at Fordham.
Each year's Fellowship is tailor-made: when setting the agenda for each year's Fellow, GSAS seeks to match its current initiatives with the strengths, interests, and skills of the Fellow. An emerging hallmark of the Fellowship is the unparalleled experience Fellows gain by shadowing a senior member of GSAS administration. The Fellowship balances intensive and purposeful mentoring with meaningful participation. For example, Fellows assist in the development of new policies and support the development of new programs.
The Fellowship is paid and requires 8 – 10 hours a week.