GSAS New Students Resources
A one-stop shopping experience from textbooks and school supplies, to Fordham-branded apparel and accessories, to the latest technology, and everything to gifts and snacks.
Campus Ministry
The Campus Ministry office seeks to foster the integral growth of the entire Fordham University community, but especially focuses on the personal, spiritual, and moral development of its students.
Career Center
Job databases, on-campus recruiting, regularly scheduled networking events and career development workshops. The Office of Career Resources assists our students in finding great internships and career opportunities in their fields of interest. Watch this recording to learn about the Career Center.
Chief Diversity Officer
The Office of the Chief Diversity Officer advances Fordham's shared commitment to create and sustain a diverse, inclusive, and just campus community.
Counseling and Psychological Services
The Counseling and Psychological Services (CPS) is an on-campus mental health service that promotes and supports students’ mental, psychological and emotional health and well-being.
Disability Services
The Office of Disability Services assists with graduate student accommodations and developing effective and comprehensive plans to achieve degree success.
Fellowship Advising
The Office of Fellowship Advising assists our students identify and apply for scholarships and grants opportunities that will enhance their graduate experience.
Fitness and Recreation Centers
Explore Fordham University’s three fitness centers located on both the Rose Hill and Lincoln Center campuses. All GSAS full-time students are entitled to a free membership and use of the fitness centers.
Health Services
The University Health Services provides accessible and high-quality health care services to Fordham University Students.
Institute of American Language and Culture (IALC)
IALC helps students achieve their goals in mastering English.
Register for the FELT Test
IT - Information Technology
The Office of Information Technology provides technological resources for learning and student life.
International Student Services
The Office of International Services assists all international students with immigration advising, acclimating to living in the U.S., and so much more.
Visit Fordham’s three libraries located on our NY campuses: the Rose Hill campus in the Bronx; the Lincoln Center campus in Manhattan; and the Westchester campus in West Harrison.
Military and Veterans’ Services
The Office of Military and Veterans’ Services offers assistance to military-connected students transitioning from the military to civilian life, to pursuing higher education, to becoming a working professional.
Multicultural Affairs
OMA is dedicated to developing and implementing university-wide programs and initiatives aligned with diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging.
Office of Equity, Inclusion, and Opportunity
The Office of Equity, Inclusion, and Opportunity advances Fordham’s shared commitment to create and sustain a diverse, inclusive, and just campus community.
Public Safety
The Public Safety office makes your community feel a lot smaller. Our top priority is to ensure the well-being of the entire Fordham community, on all campuses, at all times.
Whether you’re traveling between campuses for class, going home via the airport before a holiday, or just looking to experience the scene in another borough, the Ram Van is the safest and most convenient way for you to get there.
WFUV (90.7 FM), located on Fordham's Rose Hill campus, is a nationally acclaimed hub of music discovery, news, and sports journalism.