How to Resolve Discrimination-Based Conflicts

*This does not apply to physical sexual misconduct. Learn about Sexual Misconduct reporting steps*

Suggested Ways to Resolve Discrimination-Based Conflicts, Complaints or Concerns Prior to Filing a Formal Complaint with the University.

  1. We first suggest that, if you are comfortable and there has not been any incident of physical violence, please let the person (this could be a co-worker, professor, or student) know that you believe that what the person is doing or has done is inappropriate or discriminatory and to stop the activity
  2. If the person continues to perform the action you believe to be discriminatory or you prefer that someone else speak with the person on your behalf, please bring your concern to a supervisor or other person with supervisory authority (i.e. professor teaching your class or a dean within the school you are enrolled).

For Students:
Some suggestions for the person who could assist in speaking with the other person could be: your Residential Assistant or any employee in Residential Life, any Student Affairs employee, a Commuter Assistant, Coach, Faculty Member, member of the Office of Disability Services, dean of the school, Public Safety, etc.

For Employees:
Some suggestions for the person who could assist in speaking with the other person could be: your direct supervisor (and if that person is part of the problem, then go to the person supervising that person), the Human Resources Office, a Vice President, the Provost’s Office, your Chair or Department Head, Public Safety, a dean of the school, the Dean of Students for your campus, Residential Life personnel, or the Office of Disability Services.

If you are uncomfortable following steps one and two above (or) if you have attempted to address your concerns through steps one and two and believe that your concerns were not properly addressed and resolved, you may follow the more formal approached as outlined in File a Discrimination Complaint.