Fordham Facts

Male and Female Student at Rose Hill

First Five Facts

Tania Tetlow
The Ram
School Color:
Who we are:
The Jesuit University of New York

The Numbers

  • 16,986 students in nine schools
    9,904 undergraduates
    2,879 first-year students
    7,082 graduate and professional students

  • Rose Hill, Bronx, NY
    7,286 undergraduate and graduate students

    Lincoln Center, Manhattan, NY
    9,479 undergraduate and graduate students

    Westchester, West Harrison, NY
    221 undergraduates and graduates

    The Louis Calder Center Biological Field Station, Armonk, NY

    The Fordham University London Centre

  • Fordham College at Rose Hill (1841)
    3,965 students enrolled

    Fordham College at Lincoln Center (1968)
    2,353 students enrolled

    Gabelli School of Business (1920)
    2,355 students enrolled at Rose Hill, 615 undergraduates and 1,501 graduates at Lincoln Center

  • Fordham School of Professional and Continuing Studies (1944)
    181 students at Rose Hill, 398 at Lincoln Center, 42 at Westchester

    Gabelli School of Business (1969)
    1,501 students enrolled at Lincoln Center, 0 at Westchester

    Graduate School of Arts and Sciences (1916)
    569 students enrolled at Rose Hill, 208 at Lincoln Center

    Graduate School of Religion and Religious Education (1968)
    182 students enrolled at Rose Hill

    Graduate School of Education (1916)
    804 students enrolled at Lincoln Center

    Graduate School of Social Service (1916)
    1,795 students enrolled at Lincoln Center, 162 at Westchester

    School of Law (1905)
    1,696 students enrolled at Lincoln Center

  • 59.2% Women
    40.8% Men

    40.6% Underrepresented Populations
    17.4% Hispanic/Latino
    13% Asian
    5.4% Black/African American
    0.1% American Indian/Alaskan
    0.1% Hawaiian/Pacific Islander

    Geographical origins:
    49 states, D.C., Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands, and 87 countries

    43.5% Catholic
    13.2% Protestant
    5% Muslim
    2.8% Jewish
    12% Other
    23.4% Not Reported

  • 200,000+ total

  • 747 Full-time Instructors
    54% Men
    46% Women
    24% Underrepresented Populations

    456 Tenured Faculty
    60% Men
    40% Women
    20% Underrepresented Populations

    94% of full-time faculty hold a Ph.D. or other terminal degree

    14:1 undergraduate student-to-faculty ratio
    23 students average class size

  • Doctoral Universities: High Research Activity

    Fordham is classified as a Doctoral University or Doctoral/Professional University, one of 135 classified as High Research Activity