Fordham Study Abroad Students Images from All over the World

Study Abroad

Drawing on a long-standing tradition in Jesuit education, the International and Study Abroad Programs Office is committed to supporting and promoting global diversity as well as helping our undergraduate students gain an understanding of some of the complexities that stem from our increasingly interconnected and interdependent world.

  • In 2024-2025, over 1,000 undergraduate students are studying abroad in 30 different countries
  • Fordham University is ranked 32nd in the US for the percentage of our undergraduate students who study abroad in the 2024 IIE Open Doors Report
  • Over 40% of Fordham University undergraduates study abroad according to the 2024 IIE Open Doors Report
  • Fordham University offers over 100 study abroad programs in more than 50 countries, on 6 continents

Latest from Fordham News

Fordham Named a Top U.S. University for Study Abroad Participation

Fordham Named a Top U.S. University for Study Abroad Participation

Fordham is among the top universities in the nation for studying abroad—and its rank is climbing.   Fordham rose to number 32 for study abroad among U.S. doctoral-level institutions, according to …

First-Gen Graduate Earns Critical Language Scholarship to Study Arabic in Morocco

First-Gen Graduate Earns Critical Language Scholarship to Study Arabic in Morocco

Naimal Chisti, FCLC ’23, a graduate of Fordham’s humanitarian studies and political science programs and a member of the Higher Education Opportunity Program, will study intermediate Arabic in Meknes, Morocco, …

Seven Fordham Students Selected to Study Abroad as Gilman Scholars

Seven Fordham Students Selected to Study Abroad as Gilman Scholars

Seven Fordham students earned a 2022-2023 Gilman Scholarship, a nationally competitive award that aims to increase access to study abroad.  The Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship Program supports undergraduates with …

From Côte d’Ivoire to South Korea: 10 Fordham Scholars Embark on Fulbrights

From Côte d’Ivoire to South Korea: 10 Fordham Scholars Embark on Fulbrights

Eric Schneider, an aspiring diplomat, and Gabrielle Thurston, a language lover who wants to become a bilingual doctor, are among 10* Fordham students and alumni who were awarded Fulbright scholarships …

Fordham Expands Study Abroad Opportunities in Spain and Around the World

Fordham Expands Study Abroad Opportunities in Spain and Around the World

When Emilia Tesoriero was thinking about studying abroad, Granada, Spain, was near the top of her list. Tesoriero, a junior at Fordham College at Rose Hill majoring in international political …

President Tetlow Makes Inaugural Visit to Fordham London

President Tetlow Makes Inaugural Visit to Fordham London

Fordham’s newly inaugurated president, Tania Tetlow, visited the University’s London campus for the first time last month, meeting with students, faculty, staff, administrators, and alumni who welcomed her to the …

An American Student Who Became a Full-Time Londoner

An American Student Who Became a Full-Time Londoner

When Brianna Miller decided to study abroad at Fordham London, she didn’t know that four years later, she’d still be living there—with a full-time job and a flat to call …

Father McShane Visits a Reopened Fordham London

Father McShane Visits a Reopened Fordham London

On Oct. 27, Joseph M. McShane, S.J., president of Fordham, returned to Fordham University in London for the first time since the global pandemic shuttered all study abroad programming for …

Students Participate in Virtual Overseas Internships

Students Participate in Virtual Overseas Internships

Though study abroad programs have been suspended for this academic year due to the COVID-19 pandemic, several undergraduate students are participating in online overseas internships for the fall semester. Students …

Study Abroad Fall 2020

Study Abroad Fall 2020

From the Office of the Provost: Dear Members of the Fordham Community, I hope this email finds you well and safe, and enjoying as much of a summer break as …

Fordham Recognized  for Study Abroad Initiative

Fordham Recognized for Study Abroad Initiative

When it comes to training students to be citizens of the world, Fordham is putting its money where its mouth is. Four years ago, the University committed to Generation Study …