Study Abroad Scholarships
Scholarships for study abroad are offered by Fordham, individual study abroad programs, and outside organizations.
Please confirm scholarship requirements and deadlines with sponsoring organizations. For more information or assistance in completing your scholarship applications, please contact the Study Abroad office at [email protected] or 718-817-3464.
Fordham Summer Study Abroad Scholarship
Completed applications must be submitted by February 1st. Scholarships are applied toward the summer course tuition for summer study abroad programs offered to undergraduates by the International & Study Abroad Programs Office. Award amounts will vary and will be awarded based on financial need, academic merit, and your study abroad application essay responses.
Loschert Endowed Scholarship for Undergraduate Study in London
Completed applications must be submitted by February 1st for summer or March 1st for fall. Scholarships are applied toward billed charges for Fordham London Centre-based programs during the summer or fall terms only. Scholarships will be awarded based on financial need and academic merit.
Apply for the Loschert Endowed Scholarship
Apply for the Robert B. McKeon Scholars for International Education
Rachel Frances Ragone, GSB '18, Scholarship for Undergraduate Study in London
Apply for the Rachel Frances Ragone, GSB '18 Scholarship
IES Abroad-Fordham Scholarship
Completed applications must be submitted by March 1st for fall. Scholarships are applied toward the housing cost for approved IES Abroad programs in the fall term only. Scholarships will be awarded based on financial need and academic merit.
Apply for the IES Abroad-Fordham Scholarship
CIEE Leading Change in Latin America Student Award
CIEE is awarding 100 fully funded scholarships (plus a $2,000 living stipend) for the fall 2025 and spring 2026 semesters in their Latin America programs. Fordham students applying for CIEE Buenos Aires,(Argentina) or CIEE Santiago de Los Caballeros (Dominican Republic) are eligible for this award. CIEE guarantees that one Fordham student will be granted this award. Please follow the program links and complete your study abroad application to be considered.
Funded by the Leahey family in memory of Dr. Edward B. Leahey, Jr., FC '69, this five thousand and five hundred dollar ($5,500.00) fellowship is intended to help a student defray the cost of travel during the summer or fall. Applicants should be FCRH students with a minimum of a 3.5 cumulative average who are actively involved in the extracurricular life of the College. The fellowship committee will give special consideration to applicants whose travel plans show imagination and creativity. Please contact the FCRH Dean's Office at [email protected] for more information. Deadline is February 3rd.
Tobin Travel Fellowships
Funded by the Tobin family and their friends to honor the memory of Mark Tobin, FC '89, this five thousand and five hundred dollar ($5,500.00) fellowship is intended to help a student defray the cost of travel during the summer before his/her senior year. Applicants should have broad academic and extracurricular interests. The fellowship committee will give special consideration to applicants whose travel plans show imagination and creativity. Tobin Travel Fellowship Please contact the FCRH Dean's Office at [email protected] for more information. Deadline is February 3rd.
Apply for the Tobin Fellowship
Fordham College, Lincoln Center invites applications for awards up to $2500, in order to help cover study abroad expenses. A student must demonstrate financial need and have a GPA of 3.0 or above. The award is contingent on acceptance to an accredited study abroad progra
Outside Organization Study Abroad Scholarships
The following outside organizations offer scholarships to students studying abroad. You may also wish to search online for scholarships that are available for your particular host country.
Deutscher Akademischer Austasch Dienst Undergraduate Scholarship
The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) provides funding to US undergraduate students for study abroad in Germany.
Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship
The Institute for International Education (IIE) offers scholarships of $5,000 to US citizen students who are currently receiving Pell Grant funding. Additional funding is available to students who study a "Critical Need Language" (Arabic, Chinese, Korean, Russian, Turkic languages, Persian languages, and Indic languages)
Freeman Awards for Study in Asia Scholarship (Freeman-ASIA)
The Institute for International Education (IIE) offers scholarships of $3,000 - $7000 to U.S.-based undergraduate students with demonstrated financial need who are planning to study overseas in East or Southeast Asia.
Blakemore Freeman Fellowships
The Blakemore Foundation funds an academic year of advanced language study abroad of Chinese, Japanese, Korean, and selected Southeast Asian languages. All applicants must have junior standing.
US-Japan Bridging Foundation
The US-Japan Bridging Foundation awards scholarships to US undergraduates to study in Japan. Students must be accepted into a program in Japan. Awards are usually between $2,500 and $4,000 to provide for travel and daily cost-of-living expenses.
Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi
Phi Kappa Phi Study Abroad Grants are designed to recognize and assist undergraduates as they seek knowledge and experience in their academic fields by studying abroad. 38 grants valued at $1,000 each are awarded annually. Applicants need not be members of Fordham University’s Phi Kappa Phi chapter to apply for a grant.
David L. Boren Scholarship for Study Abroad
The National Security Education Program (NSEP) supports study abroad focusing on geographical areas, languages, and fields of study deemed critical to US national security. This scholarship excludes study in US, Canada, Western Europe, Oceania and entails a service obligation. Interested students must schedule an appointment to speak to the Director of Study Abroad before December 1st and study abroad applications must be completed in the Study Abroad Portal prior to January 15th for consideration. These Boren-eligible programs may offer intensive language instruction in the regions supported by NSEP. If you are interested in applying, we encourage you to review the list of programs.
Gilman-McCain Scholarship
The U.S. Department of State’s Gilman-McCain Scholarship provides awards of $5,000 for child dependents of active duty service members to study or intern abroad on credit-bearing programs. Developed under the framework of the State Department’s Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship Program, the John McCain International Scholarship for the Children of Military Families (Gilman-McCain Scholarship) is open to eligible students enrolled at accredited U.S. colleges and universities who receive any type of Title IV federal financial aid.
Diverse International Women of Color Scholarship
This summer study abroad scholarship is intended to assist women of color who are exceptional in their studies and in need of financial assistance to study abroad
Fund for Education Abroad Rainbow Scholarship for LGBT Students
The Fund for Education Abroad awards a $5,000 scholarship to an LGBTQ student who aims to participate in a high-quality rigorous education abroad program.
Association of American Study Abroad Programs
The scholarship is open to undergraduate students who have been offered a study abroad place in a UK study abroad program with membership in AASAP. This merit-based award is £500 - £1,000.
Dufrenoy Scholarships to Study Sciences in France
Each year the Jean et Marie-Louise Dufrenoy scholarships enable two American students in the sciences (mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, medicine, geology, botany) or in technology (engineering, computer science, etc.) to pursue further studies in France during a full academic year within the student’s own field. The amount of this scholarship is $25,000 paid in two installments (half in July, half in December).
Jeanne Marandon Fellowships to Research and Study HSS in France
Each of the Jeanne Marandon fellowships offers students in the field of Human and Social Sciences the opportunity to study and do research in France. The exact stipend depends (ranging from US$1,500 to US$25,000) on the academic level of the proposed project and the length of stay requested. Applications in all disciplines are considered, but applicants in literature, art, music, history, social sciences and communications have priority. Candidates not yet having studied or pursued a research project in the country for which they are applying also have priority.
Fund for International Service Learning
The Fund for International Service Learning (FISL) offers a scholarship in the amount of $500 for a student participating in a service-learning-based study abroad program such as certain CIEE and SIT administered programs.
BUTEX Scholarship
BUTEX Scholarship scholarship is open to undergraduate students who have been offered a study abroad or exchange place at a UK university affiliated with BUTEX. Students must be studying in the UK for a minimum of one semester. The value of each scholarship is £500.
Morgan Stanley Scholarships for Study in Japan
The Morgan Stanley Scholarships for Study in Japan for junior and senior undergraduates interested in economics and international finance who have been accepted to study abroad in Japan are eligible for awards up to $7,500.
Order Sons of Italy in America
Order Sons of Italy in America (OSIA) offers scholarships to men and women of Italian descent to study Italian language and study abroad in Italy.
American Foundation of Savoy Orders
Scholarships are available to students studying humanities, fine arts, or international studies. For more information, please email [email protected].
Friendly Sons of St. Patrick
The Society of the Friendly Sons of St. Patrick in Philadelphia offers a $2,000 scholarship to a student from the Delaware Valley who is studying abroad in Ireland. Other regional branches of the organization offer similar scholarships. Please contact your local branch and inquire about funding opportunities.
Ambassadorial Scholarships - Rotary International
The Ambassadorial Scholarship award is intended to help defray costs associated with round-trip transportation, tuition, fees, room and board, and some educational supplies as a flat grant amount of $24,000 or its equivalent. Applicants are considered for students studying a foreign language. Interested applicants must contact their local Rotary Club for more information.
Fund for Education Abroad Scholarships
The Fund for Education Abroad is committed to increasing opportunities for students to study abroad by decreasing financial restrictions through the provision of grants and scholarships.
Tortuga Backpacks Study Abroad Scholarship
Tortuga Backpacks provides a $1,000.00 scholarship to full-time undergraduate students in good, academic standing who have applied, or have been accepted to study abroad through their university or college.
Go Overseas Scholarship to Study Abroad in New Zealand
Go Overseas provides a $500.00 for any student currently enrolled in an American institution who wants to study or intern abroad can apply to the scholarship.
Diversity Abroad and University of Auckland Scholarship
Partnering with Diversity Abroad, the University of Auckland offers one full scholarship of NZ$12,750 and several scholarships of NZ$1,000 for under-represented students to study abroad. Find out more about the scholarship on the University of Auckland website.
SE Rankings Scholarship
Showcase your marketing knowledge and get rewarded! With the new approaches and technologies appearing on the market today it’s so important to stay abreast everything that marketing is using to reach your ultimate goals. Write a 1,000 word essay for $1,000. For essay guidelines, eligibility, and deadlines, please visit SE Rankings.
Cyril Taylor Memorial Scholarship
The Fund for Education Abroad (FEA) received a gift of $50,000 from The Cyril Taylor Charitable Foundation (CTCF) to fund scholarships for American students to study in the United Kingdom. The scholarship will fund academic-year scholarships of up to $10,000, full semester scholarships of $5,000, and summer scholarships of up to $3,750 for deserving American undergraduates to study in the United Kingdom on programs that best meet their educational objectives.
Boster Scholarship Fund
This $1,000 scholarship will be awarded to two passionate students, with the aim of reducing some of their day-to-day financial obstacles so they can focus on their studies. Find out more about the scholarship on the Boster website.
Ling App Learning Beyond Borders Scholarship
As an advocate for langauge studies and on-the-go education, Ling is pleased to announce its scholarship program - Learning Beyond Borders. Ling is looking to award scholarships of $1,000 and $500 to the respective first- and second-place winners. Scholarships will be awarded based on eligibility and your personal statement. Learn more and apply here.
Scholarships for Program Participants
The following study abroad programs offer scholarships to their program participants. If you have not already done so, we encourage you to apply to your study abroad program for a scholarship.
Please follow the links below for deadlines and other information:
- Amideast: Amideast Scholarships
- APA: APA Scholarships
- Boston University: Boston University Study Abroad Grants
- CIEE: CIEE Scholarships for Education Abroad
- CUPA: CUPA Merit Award
- CYA: College Year in Athens Scholarships
- DIS: Danish Institute for Study Abroad Scholarships
- IES: IES Scholarships and Grants
- SIT: SIT Scholarships
- Wayne State University: Junior Year in Munich Scholarships
For more information or assistance in completing your scholarship applications, please contact the Study Abroad office at [email protected] or 718-817-3464. Please confirm scholarship deadlines with their sponsoring organizations.