Study Abroad: Health and Safety

Study Abroad, Colombia 2019 Pre-Health Service Learning Program-Cali, Colombia


University study abroad programs are continually assessed on a comprehensive basis using the CDC and State Department risk levels for particular countries, an overall security risk assessment, and the scope of updated health and safety policies and protocols on site.

US State Department travel alerts

CDC Travel Recommendations for Study Abroad Students


Student stands in front of white houses with blue roofs

Changes in air quality, elevation, diet, climate, geography/topography, and stress factors related to adjusting to living in a new culture can exacerbate many medical and mental health conditions. You should plan to continue any medical treatment you are currently undergoing while you study abroad and ensure that you will have access to any prescription medications you may require for the duration of your program.

Please consult regarding health and vaccination recommendations for your host country. Study abroad students are required to have a medical examination form completed by a medical practitioner prior to traveling abroad.

All students must attend a pre-departure meeting in NY prior to studying abroad.

While Abroad

The welfare of all study abroad participants is of utmost importance to Fordham University. We are mindful of the fact that our concern is shared by parents and students participating in or considering study abroad.

Students studying in Fordham-administered programs benefit from having Fordham University faculty and administrative staff at their respective host institutions provide on-site services and support. During orientation, staff conduct special safety briefings and monitor local safety conditions throughout the semester. In addition, all participants receive information about security and how to conduct themselves should a local or international crisis occur. Fordham students participating in our affiliated and exchange programs benefit from our consortium membership and institutional affiliation agreements. All of our partners have crisis management procedures in place to monitor safety conditions.

The staff in New York monitor situations worldwide with the support of the United States Department of State Bureau of Overseas Security Advisory Council, of which Fordham University is a member, as well as with a private international risk management firm.

Undergraduate students enrolling in International and Study Abroad Programs Office-sponsored programs will be able to download the Alert Traveler application for their mobile devices while studying abroad. This app has important international travel information as well as the ability to send alerts regarding incidents which may impact a student’s safety. Fordham University staff can also communicate with students through the app.

Please use the Fordham Travel Registry Guide for reference on how to correctly complete a travel request.

Additional Resources

All students studying abroad through Fordham, as well as staff and faculty participating in Fordham sponsored travel, should enroll in the Department of State's Smart Traveler Enrollment Program, and must register in Fordham's Travel Registry (access with your My.Fordham credentials).

The State Department maintains a website with information specifically for students abroad, as well as more general consular information about various countries.

A Safe Trip Abroad (published by the State Department) helps with the preparations for going abroad, and U.S. Transportation Security Administration with preparations for your flight.

OSAC's Travel Toolkit publishes invaluable information on many topics related to traveling abroad.

In an emergency please contact Fordham's Public Safety at +1-718-817-2222.