University Attendance Policy

Effective January 1, 2016

General Policy

Fordham University depends upon every employee's regular and punctual attendance. Reliable attendance assists the University in meeting scheduled commitments and allows us to provide educational excellence in an economical and efficient manner.

Recognizing that employees may be absent from work due to illness, injury or personal obligation, the University has established the following guidelines. These guidelines will enable supervisors to monitor overall attendance in a fair and consistent manner.

The University subscribes to the belief that the overall reliability of an employee is a composite of good attendance and arriving to work punctually. Therefore, the cumulative attendance and tardiness of an employee will be considered when assessing an employee's compliance with the policy. All absences are cumulative and will be tracked from January 1, through December 31, of each calendar year. At year-end, those employees who have been suspended for substandard attendance will continue the progressive disciplinary status into the subsequent year.

For the purpose of this policy the term "Incident" will be defined as a single day or consecutive days absent. Tardiness is defined as punching-in after the start of a scheduled shift or designated workday. Under this policy two (2) latenesses will be considered one incident. Should a supervisor identify a potential attendance problem, this policy encourages them to informally counsel employees prior to their reaching the designated threshold of ten (10) incidents.

The following standards should be used to monitor an employee's overall attendance. Should an employee reach any of the thresholds described below, the supervisor should follow the prescribed disciplinary steps:

  • Ten (10) incidents in a twelve- (12) month period will result in a Counseling Session.
  • Eleven (11) incidents in a twelve- (12) month period will result in a Formal Verbal Warning.
  • Twelve (12) incidents in a twelve- (12) month period will result in a Formal Written Warning.
  • Thirteen (13) incidents in a twelve- (12) month period will result in a One-Day Suspension without pay.
  • Fourteen (14) incidents in a twelve- (12) month period will result in a Three-day Suspension without pay.
  • Fifteen (15) incidents in a twelve- (12) month period will result in Termination.

Accelerated Progressive Discipline

In instances where there appears to be a pattern of incidents, defined as, but not limited to, someone who is habitually absent and/or late on the first or last working day of the week, on the day before or after a holiday, payday, personal day or on the day before or after an approved vacation, said employee will be subject to the following accelerated disciplinary action guidelines:

A. Two (2) patterned incidents - Counseling Session

B. Three (3) patterned incidents - Verbal Warning

C. Four (4) patterned incidents - Written Warning

D. Five (5) patterned incidents - One-Day Suspension

E. Six (6) patterned incidents - Three-Day Suspension

F. Seven (7) patterned incidents - Termination

Disciplinary Action Table - Attendance

* Counseling Session (10 Incidents)
* Verbal Warning (11 Incidents)
* Written Warning (12 Incidents)
* One-Day Suspension (13 Incidents)
* Three-Day Suspension (14 Incidents)
* Termination (15 Incidents)

* Counseling Session (2 patterned incidents)
* Verbal Warning (3 patterned incidents)
* Written Warning (4 patterned incidents) 
* One-Day Suspension (5 patterned incidents ) 
* Three-Day Suspension (6 patterned incidents) 
* Termination (7 patterned incidents)


  • All absences are cumulative and will be tracked over a rolling twelve-month period. Clearly stated, if an employee has progressed to the suspension stage under the disciplinary process by the end of the calendar year, then his/her current status will be carried over into the following year. If an employee has not advanced to that stage by year-end, then he/she will be considered in good standing.
  • Instances of failure to report to work on a regularly scheduled workday, whether due to an absence or tardiness will be counted toward disciplinary action. Scheduled vacation days, personal days and any other approved leaves will not be considered as days absent for disciplinary purposes. Those employees who neglect to follow the procedures outlined in the Local 810 Contract for calling in sick or requesting personal and/or vacation days, will be subject to the disciplinary process outlined under this policy.
  • Employees are required to notify their supervisor one (1) hour prior to the start of their regularly scheduled workday of an absence or lateness. Any employee who fails to call in an absence forfeits their right to a paid sick day and will be subject to disciplinary action under this policy.
  • Employees who are absent for three consecutive workdays without notifying their supervisor will be terminated for job abandonment.
  • Employees will not be charged with absences caused by work related injuries.
  • Absences meeting the criteria for the Family Medical Leave Act will not be charged against an employee's attendance record. However, available sick time and vacation time will be applied to those corresponding FMLA days. Fordham University will require sufficient proof of these claims including proper documentation prescribed by law.
  • Employees attempting to circumvent this attendance policy by falsifying either a Worker's Compensation, Disability or FMLA claim will be terminated immediately.

Fordham University Attendance Policy Supervisory Guidelines

  • Supervisors should contact the Human Resources Department in instances where an employee's action may result in disciplinary action. Supervisors have the authority of monitoring time-off to ensure that good attendance is maintained.
  • Supervisors have the authority for approving timesheets/cards at the end of each pay period to ensure that time is accurately recorded. Timesheets/cards should be forwarded to the Payroll Department on a bi-weekly basis.
  • Supervisors should review the attendance records of their employees periodically and take the prescribed action outlined above when abuse of time is identified.

Fordham University retains the right to review this policy periodically and make changes as deemed necessary.