Appendix 5: Administrative Structure
Board of Trustees
Armando Nuñez, Chair
Tania Tetlow
Vice President and General Counsel
Margaret T. Ball
Vice President for Marketing and Communications
Justin M. Bell
Vice President for Enrollment
John W. Buckley
Vice President for Student Affairs
Michele C. Burris
Vice President for Mission Integration and Ministry
John J. Cecero, S.J.
Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs
Dennis C. Jacobs
University Secretary
Dorothy Marinucci
Vice President for Development and University Relations
Roger A. Milici Jr.
Vice President for Finance and Assistant Treasurer
Nicholas B. Milowski
Vice President and Chief Information Officer
Anand Padmanabhan
Chief of Staff
Michael R. Trerotola
Vice President for Human Resources
Kay Turner
Vice President for Administration
Marco A. Valera