Robert F. Himmelberg
Professor Emeritus of History
Email: [email protected]
Office: Dealy Hall 619
BA at Rockhurst College, 1956
MA in History, Creighton University, 1958
PhD in History, Pennsylvania State University, 1963
His publications include: The Origins of the National Recovery Administration: Business, Government and the Trade Association Issue, 1921-1933 (Fordham University Press, 1976; revised with a new introduction, 1993), Historians and Race: Autobiography and the Writing of History (co-edited with Paul Cimbala, 1996); and Business and Government in America Since 1870 (1994), a twelve volume edition of articles from learned journals, with introductions. He is also co-author of Herbert Hoover and the Crisis of American Capitalism (Cambridge, MA: Schenckman, 1974) and editor of The Great Depression and American Capitalism (Boston: D. C. Heath, 1968). His most recent book is The Great Depression and the New Deal (Westport: Greenwood Press, 2000). His articles include "Does Antitrust Matter? A Comparative History of Antitrust Policy and The Evolving Corporation in Britain and the United States," Reviews in American History, 21 (1993). He is currently working on a study of the Democratic party in Congress during the Republican Era before FDR and its relationship to the New Deal.
Dr. Himmelberg served as Dean of the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences in the 1990s. Recently he served as Interim Dean of the Graduate School of Business Administration and currently as Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences. He does not expect to return to teaching in the department until academic 2010-11.
Undergraduate Courses:
HSRU 3910 – From Truman to Clinton
HSRU 3911 – From Wilson to FDR
Graduate Courses:
HSGA 5851 - America Between the Wars