Harry Nasuti

Professor Emertius
Hebrew Bible/Old Testament
Joined Fordham 1987
General Information
Email: [email protected]
Harry P. Nasuti was professor of Hebrew Bible/Old Testament in the department of theology of Fordham University. His main research area has been the poetic books of the Bible, especially the book of Psalms, on which he has published two books and a number of articles. He has also taught and published in the areas of biblical theology and biblical ethics.
During his time at Fordham, Professor Nasuti held a number of administrative positions, including a term as chair of the department of theology, fifteen years of service as the director of the Fordham College at Rose Hill Honors Program, and four years of service as the Fordham College prestigious fellowships advisor. He was chosen as Teacher of the Year in the Humanities, elected to Phi Beta Kappa, and selected to give the annual Last Lecture by the honors senior class. He has also served for a number of years on the Faculty Senate and as the Faculty Representative to the Lilly Fellows Program in Humanities and the Arts.
Outside of Fordham, Professor Nasuti was especially active in the Catholic Biblical Association of America, of which he served as President in 2016-2017. He was a member of the Strategic Planning Committee that conducted a comprehensive review of the Association’s practices and constitution. He also served two terms as associate editor of the Catholic Biblical Quarterly, six years on the Program Committee for the annual meeting (including one year as chair), three years on the Nominations Committee (including one year as chair), and two years as a Consultor on the Executive Board. He was the local arrangements chair when Fordham hosted the national meeting in 2008. He served a three-year term on the Committee for Research Support. In 1987, he received the CBA Young Scholars Fellowship. Dr. Nasuti recently served as the Catholic Biblical Association (CBA) Visiting Professor for the 2023-24 academic year at the selection of the Pontifical Biblical Institute.
Professor Nasuti currently serves as an associate editor of the Biblical Theology Bulletin. He frequently gives lectures and workshops at churches and academic institutions and regularly contributes to publications on the Bible for the wider public.
B.A. - Fordham University, magna cum laude
Diploma in Theology - University of Oxford (first honors)
M.Div. - Union Theological Seminary, New York
M.A. - Yale University
Ph.D. - Yale University -
The Book of Psalms
The Prophetic Literature
Biblical Theology
Biblical Ethics
History of Interpretation -
Defining the Sacred Songs: Genre, Tradition, and the Post-Critical Interpretation of the Psalms (JSOTS 218; Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press, 1999).
Tradition History and the Psalms of Asaph (SBLDS 88; Atlanta: Scholars Press, 1988).
“The Book of Habakkuk,” in The New Jerome Biblical Quarterly, eds., John J. Collins, Gina Hens-Piazza, Barbara Reid, OP, and Donald Senior, CP (London: Bloomsbury T & T Clark, in process).
“Repentance and Transformation: The Role of the Spirit in Psalm 51,” The Bible Today 57 (July/August, 2019) 213-217.
“Called Into Character: Aesthetic and Ascetic Aspects of Biblical Ethics,” The Catholic Biblical Quarterly 80 (2018) 1-24.
“‘Who Is Like the LORD Our God …?’ Relating Theology and Ethics in the Psalms,” in The Bonn-Baylor Symposium on the Psalms, ed., Dennis Tucker (Waco, TX: Baylor University Press, forthcoming).
“Redaction-Critical and Canonical Approaches to the Psalms and the Psalter,” in Cambridge Methods in Biblical Interpretation: The Book of Psalms, ed., Esther Menn, (Cambridge: Cambridge Press, forthcoming).
“The Editing of the Psalter and the Ongoing Use of the Psalms: Gerald Wilson and the Question of Canon,” in The Shape and Shaping of the Book of Psalms: The Current State of Scholarship ed., Nancy deClaissé-Wolford (Atlanta: SBL Press, 2014) 13-20.
“Introduction to the Book of Psalms,” in the Anselm Academic Study Bible (Winona, MN: Anselm Academic Press, 2013) 881-884.
“From School to University: Forming Character, Seeking Truth, and Teaching Humanities in Jesuit Institutions,” Enarratio: The Forum for Teaching Excellence Bulletin 3 (2012) 2-3.
“Teacher, Doctor, Sculptor: Faith Formation, Biblical Scholarship, and the Book of Psalms,” in Catechetical Scholars IV, ed. Diana Dudoit Raiche, (Washington: NCEA, 2011) 1-20.
“Honors Programs at Jesuit Institutions: Learning and Joy,” in Conversations in Jesuit Higher Education 35 (2011) 34-38.
“God at Work in the Word: A Theology of Divine-Human Encounter in the Psalms,” in Soundings in the Theology of the Psalms: Perspective and Methods in Contemporary Scholarship, ed., Rolf Jacobson (Minneapolis: Augsburg Fortress, 2011) 27-48.
“The Poetics of Biblical Prophecy: Point of View and Point of Standing in the Prophetic Books,” in Thus Says the LORD: Essays in Honor of Robert Wilson, eds. John Ahn and Stephen Cook (LHBOTS 502; London: T & T Clark, International, 2009) 99-113.
"The Interpretive Significance of Sequence and Selection in the Book of Psalms," in The Book of Psalms: Composition and Reception, eds. Peter W. Flint and Patrick D. Miller, Jr. (VTSS 99; Leiden: E. J. Brill, 2005) 311-339.
"The Once and Future Lament: Micah 2:1-5 and the Prophetic Persona," in Inspired Speech: Prophecy in the Ancient Near East, Festschrift for Herbert Huffmon, eds. John Kaltner and Louis Stulman (JSOTSS 378; London: T & T Clark International, 2004) 144-160.
"Plumbing the Depths: Genre Ambiguity and Theological Creativity in the Interpretation of Psalm 130," in The Idea of Biblical Interpretation: Essays in Honor of James L. Kugel, eds. Hindy Najman and Judith H. Newman (JSJSS 83; Leiden: E. J. Brill, 2004) 95-124.
"Historical Narrative and Identity in the Book of Psalms," Horizons in Biblical Theology 23 (2001) 131-152.
"The Sacramental Function of the Psalms in Contemporary Scholarship and Liturgical Practice," in Psalms and Practice: Worship, Virtue, and Authority, ed. Stephen Breck Reid (Collegeville, Minnesota: Liturgical Press, 2001) 78-89.
"The Woes of the Prophets and the Rights of the Apostle: The Internal Dynamics of 1 Corinthians 9," The Catholic Biblical Quarterly 50 (1988) 246-264.
"A Prophet to the Nations: Diachronic and Synchronic Readings of Jeremiah 1," Hebrew Annual Review 10 (1987) 249-266.
"Identity, Identification, and Imitation: The Narrative Hermeneutics of Biblical Law," Journal of Law and Religion 4 (1986) 201-215.