Procurement Process Requirements

All principal investigators/program directors must follow the requirements below.

Before starting the procurement process, you must:

  • Review all proposed procurements to avoid unnecessary/duplicative purchases of equipment, supplies, and services. XX C.F .R . XX .318(d).
  • Consider whether it will it save money/time to consolidate procurements; if so, consolidate (and document how you came to your decision). XX C.F.R. XX .318(d).
  • Consider whether it will it save money/time to split up procurements; if so, split them up (and document how you came to your decision) . XX C.F.R. X).18(d).
  • If relevant, consider whether a lease or a purchase is the most economical approach (and document how you came to your decision). XX C.F .R. XX.318(d) .
  • Look for state or local intergovernmental agreements ' (such as competitive bidding group purchasing programs, state term contracts, GSA contracts, or formal intergovernmental agreements-if permitted under applicable state statutes and rules and applicable local ordinances or rules) that you can use to procure equipment, supplies, and services-but get awarding agency approval before using one of those agreements. XX C.F .R. XX .318(e).
  • If procuring equipment or supplies, use surplus federal property if feasible and more economical than procuring new equipment or supplies. XX C.F.R. XX .318(g). Check the federal surplus property website to look for equipment or supplies that will meet your needs. You have to access the website through your state's portal. To find your state's portal, search for "federal surplus property" and your state's name in any web search engine.

In Addition:

  • A requirement to award only to “responsible contractors possessing the ability to perform successfully under the terms and conditions of a proposed procurement
  • A requirement that contract performance and payments are monitored during the course of the contract. XX C.F.R. XX.318(b).

**All Principal Investigators/Program Directors:

  • Must complete the Purchasing Uniform Guidance Checklist for orders over $5,000 and attach it to the requisition.
  • Buyers must make sure form is complete.