Vendor COVID-19 Guidelines
In order to ensure the safety of our community, all Fordham suppliers and vendors must furnish a copy of their written COVID-19 Safety Plan outlining the ways in which their workplace will prevent the spread of COVID-19 prior to coming onto a Fordham University campus, as well as to have reviewed, and agree to comply with, all applicable elements of the University’s plan for reopening, including the guidelines below.
All Vendor personnel entering campus must:
- Have been pre-screened in accordance with your company’s COVID-19 Safety Plan prior to arriving at a Fordham campus and must be able to furnish evidence of such pre-screening to Fordham University safety and security personnel upon request;
- Submit to a temperature check upon request;
- Comply with Fordham’s safety standards, which includes maintaining a distance of at least six feet from other individuals at all times, except when duties or responsibilities render this impossible, and wear protective face coverings at all times;
- Have no signs of a fever or other COVID-19 symptoms for the last 14 consecutive days, nor have had “close contact” (within six feet for 15 minutes or more) with any person with known, suspected, or possible COVID-19 (i.e. a person with COVID-19 symptoms or with confirmed COVID-19 testing) in the last 14 days;
- Not be under an advisory from a doctor or local public health guidance to self-isolate or quarantine; and
- Exercise the utmost diligence when performing duties, which includes cleaning and disinfecting any surfaces that may have come in contact with Vendor personnel.
More information for independent contractors who already have registered to use Fordham University’s pre-screening application is available at
In addition, Vendors sending personnel to a Fordham campus to provide goods and services must agree to do the following:
- Identify a responsible person at your company who is authorized to handle sensitive employee data, to serve as a COVID-19 Liaison to the University. We will contact the COVID-19 Liaison in the event that the University’s COVID-19 health screening and contact tracing programs require us to do so.
- Contact Fordham University’s Human Resources department at [email protected] or (718) 817-4930 immediately if, through your company’s health screening or contact tracing processes, any information becomes known that would indicate that Vendor personnel who were on a campus tested positive for COVID-19 or came in contact with someone who either tested positive or was otherwise diagnosed with COVID-19.
In the event that the goods or services your organization provides require special consideration or safeguards, you will be contacted by your Fordham University day-to-day contact.