Creative Writing

Premised on the belief that the study of literature and the practice of writing are mutually reinforcing pursuits, the Creative Writing Program emphasizes the inter-relations among creative writing, digital media, criticism, and scholarship. Our degree offerings include literature courses, small writing workshops, and practical industry training seminars to prepare you for advanced study or careers in writing, media, and publishing. In addition, you will benefit from the resources provided by a creatively accomplished faculty with distinguished publications and extensive knowledge of the institutions that support creative writing. You will also enjoy the opportunities afforded by New York City itself, a worldwide center for literary publishing and the arts. The study of creative writing offers both a practice and a foundational way of thinking that fosters empathy, resilience and joyful innovation. You will study a diversity of forms, genres and voices, and discover the ways in which language is a primary tool to realize not only a creative career, but also a creative life.
Each year the Reid Writers of Color Reading Series features acclaimed national and international writers such as Junot Diaz, Tracy K. Smith and Terrance Hayes. In addition, The Mary Higgins Clark Chair brings an acclaimed genre writer to the Fordham community giving our students access to superlative mentoring and advice. Past Mary Higgins Clark Chairs include Ligaya Mishan, Lev Grossman, A.S. King and Lee Childs. Students are able to join the staff of CURA: A Literary Magazine of Art & Action. Contributors to CURA have won Rockefeller, Guggenheim, American Book, and National Endowment for the Arts awards. Featuring year-round public readings by noted and emerging poets, The Poetic Justice Institute features dynamic events and sponsors a Book Series that issues two new full-length volumes of poetry annually, awarding publication and honoraria to the best manuscripts submitted in an international competition. The award-winning campus newspaper, The Observer, is one of the few campus papers in the nation with a Literary Section, and was named a best college newspaper by the Princeton Review. Degree offerings in Creative Writing include The English Major with a Creative Writing Concentration and the Creative Writing Minor.