Orchestra Scholarship Guidelines

The Fordham University Symphony Orchestra is not just a credit-bearing musical ensemble or an extra-curricular activity. It is also a service organization that performs an important and visible function at University public events. The University has set aside monies to maintain and encourage participation in the Symphony Orchestra in order that it may perform, at a high level, its service to the University.

To sustain the basic organism of the Rose Hill Orchestra, a modest base stipend is offered to students participating in the ensemble. The value of a point is based on the number of participants and points earned each year and therefore cannot be estimated. Larger stipends are offered for those musical activities that directly serve the University’s mission: Leadership roles, Pep Band, Encaenia, and Commencement. Stipends for the last three activities—Pep Band, Encaenia, and Commencement—are also open to students participating in the Lincoln Center Chamber Orchestra and the Fordham Jazz Orchestra.

Eligibility Verification

  1. To receive any scholarship, including for a “stand-alone” activity such as Encaenia, a student must be registered and in good standing (passing the course as determined by the Director) in one of three ensembles: FUSO, LCCO, Fordham Jazz Orchestra.
  2. Each semester, by the end of the second full week of classes, the Director will submit a list of registered students to the Financial Aid Office to determine scholarship eligibility. Students with full-merit scholarships are not eligible for scholarships.

Award Amounts, Points System, and Policies

Points System

The amount of money per point received will be determined based on the scholarship fund amount divided by the number of points earned by students over the course of the year.

Basic Band Scholarship (see Sect. II + III):

1 point/semester

Pep Band

+ 1 point/semester

Presidential Inauguration

+ 1 point


+ 2 points


+ 1 point

Orchestra Officers FUSO Only

+ 1 point/semester (Band President 2 points)

Mentorship (6 hours or more – see Dr. Bhasin)

+ 1 point/semester

Students from all three ensembles are eligible for:

  • Lesson scholarships
  • Scholarship points for participation in Commencement, Encaenia, and Inaugurations
  • Mentorship

Students participating in FUSO shall be eligible for:

  • Basic Orchestra Scholarship
  • Awards for Officers/President

A student who receives points for Encaenia and/or Commencement, but does not honor their commitment shall be ineligible for any scholarship monies the following year.

Award Criteria

In determining the number of points a student has earned, the Director shall consider:

Performance: The student must attend all regularly scheduled performances throughout the semester. The student must be on time, dressed to code, and have their instruments in good working condition for all performances.

Preparation: The student must have shown an appropriate level of commitment and have put in the appropriate amount of practice time during the semester to learn their parts, submit passing playing exams, and perform adequately on the final concert of the semester. Students who fail to learn their parts to the satisfaction of the ensemble director will be disqualified from earning a scholarship.

Attendance: Attendance at all rehearsals is expected. Each student is allowed ONE absence without prior notice; one additional absence may be allowed, but only if the Director has been notified at least one week prior. Full attendance is defined as being in your seat ready to play at the beginning of the scheduled rehearsal time and staying until the end of rehearsal. Students who have academic commitments (class time or lab meetings) that make them miss more than 15 minutes of rehearsal per week will not be eligible for a scholarship. Students with more than two unexcused absences (in addition to the two excused absences) or more than 4 unexcused latenesses will no longer be eligible for scholarship.

Citizenship: Students who are disruptive, damage equipment, are disrespectful of the Director and/or fellow students, or fail to follow the rules set out by the Director for use of facilities will be ineligible for a scholarship

Pep Band: The Director may wish to confer with the Pep Band leader as to eligibility in that category.