James Goodale

Adjunct Professor of Law
Vice Chairman, The New York Times: 1963-1979:
Represented the Times in four of its United States Supreme Court cases - Branzburg v. Hayes, New York Times v. Sullivan, New York Times Co. v. United States (the Pentagon Papers case), and New York Times Co. v. Tasini.
Partner Debevoise & Plimpton LLP 1979-1993.
Founder and Chair, Communications Law Seminar at the Practicing Law Institute: leading to the creation of a First Amendment Bar and a Reporter’s Privilege (shield laws). 1972-2007.Currently Chairman Emeritus.
Fighting for the Press: the Inside Story of the Pentagon Papers and Other Battles; All About Cable; The New York Times Company v. United States; and has written over 200 articles in New York Law Journal, The New York Times, The New York Review of Books, Stanford Law Review, Hastings Law Journal among others.
First Amendment and Communications law at Yale, New York University and Fordham law schools
Producer/Host of “Digital Age”, WNYE TV: 1995-2010 Chairman of the Board, Committee to Protect Journalists: 1989 – 1994
J.D University of Chicago 1958: B.A.
Yale University 1955
Harvard University in 1992.
Mailing Address
Fordham University School of LawLegal Writing Program
150 West 62nd Street, Room 7-175
New York, NY 10023