Nicholas Johnson

Professor of Law
[email protected]
Office: Room 8-115
Faculty Assistant: Diane Pinero, [email protected]
- Professor of Legal Studies in Business, Franklin and Marshall College, 1988-93;
- Of Counsel, Kirkpatrick and Lockhard (Harrisburg, Pennsylvania) 1990-93;
- Vice President and Co-owner Westar Environmental Corporation, 1988-90;
- Associate, Morgan, Lewis and Bockius, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 1985-88;
- Principal subjects: Contracts, Environmental Law,Gun Control/Gun Rights.
- Harvard University, JD,1984
- West Virginia University, BSBA, 1981
Selected Publications
- Second Amendment Sanctuaries: Defiance, Discretion, and Race, 50 Pepp. L. Rev. 1 (2023) https://digitalcommons. 1 - "Lawfully armed citizens and police: A proposal for reducing armed encounters with agents of the state." Gun Studies! pp241-256 (Routledge 2019)
- Lawful Gun Carriers (Police and Armed Citizens): License, Escalation, and Race
- The Power Side of the Second Amendment Question: Limited, Enumerated Powers and the Continuing Battle over the Legitimacy of the Individual Right to Arms
- Negroes and the Gun: The Black Tradition of Arms (Prometheus 2014)
- Firearms Law and the Second Amendment: Cases and Materials, (Aspen Press 2011), with Kopel, Mocsary and O'Shea.
- Firearms Policy and the Black Community: An Assessment of the Modern Orthodoxy, 45 Connecticut L. Rev. 1491-1604 (2013)
- The Statutory UCC: Interpretive License and Duty under Article 2, 61 Catholic Univ. L. Rev 1073 (2014)
- The Second Amendment in the States and the Limits of the Common Use Standard, Harvard Law and Policy Review(April 2010) SSRN Top Ten Download
- Administering the Second Amendment: Law, Politics and Taxonomy, 50 Santa Clara L. Rev. 1263 (2010). Primary Program Material, Federal Bar Council Judges Conference, CLE on State and Local Gun Laws Post McDonald.
- The Public Meaning of the Second Amendment When the Fourteenth Amendment was Ratified, 17 George Mason Law Review 823 (2010), with Clayton Cramer and George Mocsary. Cited in McDonald v. Chicago, SCOUS 2010. SSRN Top 10 Download
- Supply Restrictions at the Margin of Heller and the Abortion Analogue: Stenberg Principles, Assault Weapons and the Attitudinalist Critique, 60 Hastings Law Journal, 1285-1338 (2009). SSRN Top 10 Download. - Imagining Gun Control in America: Understanding the Remainder Problem,43 Wake Forest L. Rev. 837-891 (2008) - Taking This Right Seriously, National Law Journal, August 6, 2008
- Self Defense? George Mason L. Rev. (2006). - A Second Amendment Moment: The Constitutional Politics of Gun Rights, 71 Brooklyn L. Rev. 715- 796 (2005). The States Rights Second Amendment for Content: A Showdown Between Federal Environmental Closure of Firing Ranges and Protective State Legislation, 38 Indiana L. Rev. 689-726 (2004). - The Boundaries of Extra-compensatory Relief for Abusive Breach of Contract, 33 Conn. L. Rev. 181-198 (2000).
- The Intersection of Abortion and Gun Rights, 50 Rutgers L. Rev. 97-197 (1997).
- Plenary Power and Constitutional Outcasts: Federal Power, Critical Race Theory and the Second, Ninth and Tenth Amendments, 57 Ohio State L.J. 1555-1605 (1996).
- Regulatory Takings and Environmental Regulatory Evolution: Toward A Macro Perspective, 6 Fordham Environmental Law Review 557-563 (1995).
- Shots Across No Man's Land: A response to HCI's Richard Aborn, 22 Fordham Urban Law Journal 441-451 (1995).
- EPCRA's Collision with Federalism, 27 Indiana Law Review 549-575 (1994).
- Beyond the Second Amendment: An Individual Right to Arms Viewed Through the Ninth Amendment. 24 Rutgers Law Journal 1-81 (1993).
- There May Be Cracks in the Foundation: An Analysis of Pennsylvania's Current Approach to Legislative Review of Agency Rule-making, 94 Dickinson Law Review 637-664 (1990).
- Second Amendment Sanctuaries: Defiance, Discretion, and Race, 50 Pepp. L. Rev. 1 (2023) https://digitalcommons.