Mary Bly

Professor (On Leave Spring 2025)
BA, Harvard College; MPhil, Oxford University; PhD, Yale University.
Research and Teaching Interests: early modern drama, with interests in boys’ plays, London theaters, and puns; the publishing industry; creative writing; pop fiction
Photo Credit: Sara Azoulay, The Observer
Mary Bly is the author of Queer Virgins and Virgin Queans on the Early Modern Stage (Oxford, 2000). She is currently working on The Geography of Fashion; some of this work has been published in the PMLA and the collection City of Vice. Other articles include "Defining the Proper Members of the Early Modern Theatrical Community” in Renaissance Drama 40 and “The Lure of a Good Satin Suit: London’s Sartorial Seduction” in A Handbook of Middleton Studies (Oxford, 2012).
As Eloisa James, Prof. Bly writes popular fiction and memoir. Her latest novel is The New York Times bestseller Four Nights with the Duke (Harper Collins, 2015). Earlier work includes 24 historical romances and a memoir, Paris in Love (Random House, 2012). Articles in the popular press have appeared in The New York Times Book Review (2014); Redbook (2013); Good Housekeeping (2012); & Weekend Edition (2012,2013); The Wall Street Journal (2012); Fordham Magazine (2012); (2012, 2011); & The New (2011); TV Guide (2011); More Magazine (2007); The New York Times (2005). Her website is