Advanced Certificate in Rhetoric and Writing
The Advanced Certificate in Rhetoric and Writing allows students to pursue coursework in the interdisciplinary study of rhetoric and writing. Designed to complement graduate work within English, the Certificate is ideal for students whose future goals include scholarship, teaching, administration, and/or consulting related to writing and rhetoric in a range of academic, professional, and community settings. Students earn the Advanced Certificate by taking any four (4) courses from the list of Rhetoric and Writing offerings.
Advantages & Benefits:
Rhetoric and Writing is a field of study that aims to advance understandings of discourse and its relationships with culture, politics, and everyday life. Research and pedagogy in this field are applied to make sense of the diverse methods by which humans create, receive, and use symbolic communication to connect with others. Graduate programs in this area are a well-established, nationally legible way to signal specialized training in the field of Rhetoric and Writing Studies.
Fordham’s Advanced Certificate in Rhetoric and Writing is designed to help students with a range of academic and professional goals. It prepares candidates to teach and tutor writing and rhetoric in four-year universities, community colleges, and secondary educational contexts. Given its emphasis on effective communication, it also benefits students pursuing non-academic career paths, enhancing the credentials of those who seek professional careers in corporate, non-profit, or educational administrative settings.
Learning Goals:
Students pursuing the Advanced Certificate in Rhetoric and Writing will:
- Gain knowledge of how theories, research, and practices from rhetoric and writing studies complement and intersect with diverse areas of study, e.g. literary theory, linguistics, communication and media studies, cultural studies, and education
- Cultivate a clear sense of how writing genres respond to diverse rhetorical situations, including professional, public, and intellectual exigencies
- Learn about and apply a variety of research methods used within writing and rhetorical studies, including historical analysis, archival studies, field work, and place-based research
- Develop a broad pedagogical understanding of rhetoric and writing studies appropriate to both secondary and collegiate classroom
- Develop rhetorical knowledge and communicative skills relevant to a range of academic and professional career pathways
Rhetoric and Writing Certificate Courses:
- English 5999: Theory and Practice of Teaching Writing
- English 6004: Practicum in Writing Pedagogy
- English 5600: Special Topics in Rhetorical Theory and Criticism
- English 5650: Special Topics in Writing Studies
- English 5660: Research Methods in Rhetoric and Writing Studies
- English 5670: History of Rhetoric
- English 5680: The Writing and Rhetoric of Scholarly Genres
- English 5690: Seminar in Professional and Technical Writing Pedagogy
Admission Requirements:
Please visit the Admission Information/Requirements page.
Questions about the Certificate can be directed to Elisabeth Buck, Interim Director of the Advanced Certificate in Rhetoric and Writing, at [email protected].