Purchasing Thresholds

Buyer Sourcing Policy
$1 - $999
  • Quotations (phone or written) are desirable.
  • Implication: The Buyers’ judgment regarding choice is acceptable and a minimum amount of time is spent on sourcing. Vendor contact persons are made part of the documentation.
$1,000 - $4,999
  • Quotations (phone or written) are desirable, depending upon the competitive nature of the items requested.
  • Implication: The Buyer will record all quotes on the requisition and will select the most economical quote. Sourcing time can be minimized by obtaining phone quotes and blanket quotes covering product lines for a specific period of time.
$5,000 - Up
  • Written quotes are required, depending upon the competitive nature of the items requested.
  • Implication: The Buyer will attach the written quotes received to the requisition and select the most economical quote. Sourcing time is greater due to the request for written quotations.
$10,000 - Up
  • A Justification/Bid Summary Form must be attached to the Requisition or a copy of an Executed Contract.

Justification/Bid Summary Forms

All orders over $10,000 must have a Justification Form attached to the Requisition or a Copy of an Executed Contract. If you have more than one quote/proposal, – please attach all to the requisition as well.

Facilities Departments need to fill out the Facilities Bid Summary Form and have it signed by the Facilities Vice President, or his authorized designee. This is required by the Facilities Vice President.