Fordham Law Student Profiles

For the convenience of interested employers, this page collects useful information about Fordham Law School, our students and our grading system.

Class Entering Fall 2023

Applications Received  6359
Class Size – 434
75% LSAT/GPA – 169/3.84
50% LSAT/GPA – 167/3.75
25% LSAT/GPA – 164/3.57
Female – 58%
Male – 42% 

Self-identified Minority – 31.8%
Asian/Pacific American – 10.8%
     African/Black-American – 10.13%
     Latin American – 8.3%
     2 or more races – 2.5%

White – 62.4%
Unknown – 0.46%
International – 5.3%

Class Entering Fall 2022

Applications Received  6898
Class Size – 423
75% LSAT/GPA – 168/3.81
50% LSAT/GPA – 167/3.72
25% LSAT/GPA – 164/3.55
Female – 55%
Male – 45% 

Self-identified Minority – 34%
Asian/Pacific American – 9.7%
     African/Black-American – 8%
     Latin American – 13%
     2 or more races – 2.6%

White – 61 %
Unknown – 2.4%
International – 3%

  • Class Entering Fall 2023

    1. Fordham University
    2. Columbia University
    3. New York University
    4. University of Michigan - Ann Arbor
    5. Georgetown University
    6. George Washington University
    7. SUNY at Binghamton Center
    8. University of Virginia
    9. University of Chicago
    10. Vanderbilt University

    Class Entering Fall 2022

    1. Fordham University
    2. New York University
    3. Columbia University
    4. Cornell University
    5. George Washington University
    6. Binghamton University
    7. UC Berkeley
    8. University of Florida
    9. USC (Los Angeles)
    10. Georgetown/Tulane /UMichigan (tie)
  • Class Entering Fall 2023

    1. New York
    2. New Jersey
    3. California
    4. Connecticut
    5. Florida
    6. Massachusetts
    7. Virginia
    8. District of Columbia
    9. Pennsylvania
    10. Georgia/Texas (tie)

    Class Entering Fall 2022

    1. New York
    2. New Jersey
    3. California
    4. Florida
    5. Connecticut
    6. Massachusetts
    7. Pennsylvania
    8. Texas
    9. Illinois
    10. Maryland
  • Class Entering Fall 2023

    1. Political Science
    2. Economics
    3. Psychology
    4. English
    5. Humanities - Other
    6. Philosophy
    7. Finance
    8. International Relations
    9. History
    10. Accounting

    Class Entering Fall 2022

    1. Political Science
    2. Psychology
    3. Economics
    4. Humanities – Other
    5. Philosophy
    6. History
    7. English
    8. Finance
    9. International Relations
    10. Business Administration
  • Evening Division

    The course of study for the degree of Doctor of Law extends over four academic years in the Evening Division and equals that required in the three years of the Day Division. All required courses are taught by the full-time faculty and Evening students are subject to the same grading system as the Day students. In addition to their studies, a majority of students enrolled in the Evening Division maintain full-time employment.

    JD Program Grading System

    Student grades are calculated on both a letter and a numerical scale. There are no official class standings. At the end of the 2023-2024 academic year, a student who attained a true weighted average of 3.548 or better made Dean's List for that year. While students may not round up to compute Dean's List or awards, students may round up to the nearest hundredth of a point when reporting GPAs on their resumes (i.e., "3.278" can be presented as "3.28"). The faculty has adopted a numerical equivalent for letter grades.

    Prior to Fall 2014

    A+ 4.300
    A 4.000
    A- 3.700
    B+ 3.300
    B 3.000
    B- 2.700
    C+ 2.300
    C 2.000
    C- 1.700
    D 1.000
    F 0.000
    P Not in GPA
    S Not in GPA
    * Not in GPA

    Effective Fall 2014

    A+ 4.333
    A 4.000
    A- 3.667
    B+ 3.333
    B 3.000
    B- 2.667
    C+ 2.333
    C 2.000
    C- 1.667
    D 1.000
    F 0.000
    P Not in GPA
    S Not in GPA
    * Not in GPA

    Fordham Law School does not rank or provide official class standings; however, below are the approximate or estimated class standings as of the end of the 2023-2024 academic year.

    Approximate Class Standings (as of the end of the 2023-2024 Academic Year)

    Class of 2025 (rising 3LD/4LE)
    10% - 3.66
    25% - 3.51
    33% - 3.45
    50% - 3.35

    Class of 2026/27 (rising 2LD/3LE/2LE)
    10% - 3.69
    25% - 3.52
    33% - 3.45
    50% - 3.30

    Fordham Law has established scholar designations associated with certain approximate class standings. Please review the description of these  to learn more about these achievements.

Student Organizations & Journals

Fordham Law School has a tradition of active student involvement in journals, moot court and organizations. These activities provide our students with substantial opportunities to gain leadership, research, writing, oral advocacy and other skills while in school.

Employers are encouraged to contact student organizations or journals directly to co-sponsor programs and other activities.