University Policies

10.1 Non-Discrimination Policy*

Fordham University is an academic institution that, in compliance with federal, state, and local laws, does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, creed, religion, age, sex, gender, national origin, marital or parental status, sexual orientation, citizenship status, veteran status, disability, genetic predisposition or carrier status, gender identity or gender characteristics, or any other basis prohibited by law. No otherwise qualified person shall be discriminated against in any programs or activities of the University because of disability. Likewise, no person shall be discriminated against on the basis of sex. Fordham University does not knowingly support or patronize any organization that engages in unlawful discrimination. This policy is strictly enforced by the University and alleged violations receive prompt attention and appropriate corrective action.

Complaints of discrimination by students against other students should be brought to the complainant’s dean of students for handling. All other complaints involving students and employees, only employees, or third parties should be brought to the Director of Institutional Equity and Compliance for handling.

The director of Institutional Equity and Compliance is the University’s compliance officer for all forms of discrimination. The director is specifically designated as the University’s Title IX Coordinator and is responsible for the University’s Title IX compliance efforts, including sex and gender discrimination, sexual harassment, sexual assault and violence, stalking, intimate partner violence, retaliation, and athletics. Inquiries concerning the application of Title IX and its implementing regulation may be referred to the designated Title IX coordinator(s) or to the Office for Civil Rights. Information on how to contact the director is included below.

Kareem Peat
Title IX Coordinator
Office of Institutional Equity and Compliance
Cunniffe House, Room 114
Rose Hill Campus
[email protected]

*Due to changing legal guidelines, please refer to the Title IX/Institutional Equity and Compliance website for Fordham’s most up-to-date policies on nondiscrimination, affirmative action, and sexual harassment. If you do not have web access, please contact the Office of Institutional Equity and Compliance directly for a hard copy.

10.2 Statement on Academic Rights and Responsibilities

Intellectual pluralism and academic freedom are central principles of American higher education. Recently, these issues have captured the attention of the media, political leaders, and those in the academy. This is not the first time in the nation’s history that these issues have become public controversies, but the current interest in intellectual discourse on campus suggests that the meaning of these terms, and the rights and responsibilities of individual members of the campus community, should be reiterated.

Without question, academic freedom and intellectual pluralism are complex topics with multiple dimensions that affect both students and faculty. Moreover, America’s colleges and universities vary enormously, making it impossible to create a single definition or set of standards that will work equally well for all fields of academic study and all institutions in all circumstances. Individual campuses must give meaning and definition to these concepts within the context of disciplinary standards and institutional mission.

Despite the difficulty of prescribing a universal definition, we believe that there are some central, overarching principles that are widely shared within the academic community and deserve to be stated affirmatively as a basis for discussion of these issues on campuses and elsewhere.

  • American higher education is characterized by a great diversity of institutions, each with its own mission and purpose. This diversity is a central feature and strength of our colleges and universities and must be valued and protected. The particular purpose of each school, as defined by the institution itself, should set the tone for the academic activities undertaken on campus.
  • Colleges and universities should welcome intellectual pluralism and the free exchange of ideas. Such a commitment will inevitably encourage debate over complex and difficult issues about which individuals will disagree. Such discussions should be held in an environment characterized by openness, tolerance, and civility.
  • Academic decisions, including grades, should be based solely on considerations that are intellectually relevant to the subject matter under consideration. Neither students nor faculty should be disadvantaged or evaluated on the basis of their political opinions. Any member of the campus community who believes he or she has been treated unfairly on academic matters must have access to a clear institutional process by which his or her grievance can be addressed.
  • The validity of academic ideas, theories, arguments, and views should be measured against the intellectual standards of relevant academic and professional disciplines. Application of these intellectual standards does not mean that all ideas have equal merit. The responsibility to judge the merits of competing academic ideas rests with colleges and universities and is determined by reference to the standards of the academic profession as established by the community of scholars at each institution.
  • Government’s recognition and respect for the independence of colleges and universities is essential for academic and intellectual excellence. Because colleges and universities have great discretion and autonomy over academic affairs, they have a particular obligation to ensure that academic freedom is protected for all members of the campus community and that academic decisions are based on intellectual standards consistent with the mission of each institution.

As of June 23, 2005, the following organizations have endorsed this statement:

American Association of Community Colleges
American Association of State Colleges and Universities
American Association of University Professors
American Council on Education
American Dental Education Association
American Political Science Association
Association of American Colleges and Universities
Association of American Law Schools
Association of American Universities
Association of Catholic Colleges and Universities
Association of Governing Boards of Universities and Colleges
Association of Higher Education Facilities Officers
Association of Jesuit Colleges and Universities
The College Board
College Student Educators International
College and University Professional Association for Human Resources
Council for Advancement and Support of Education
Council for Christian Colleges and Universities
Council for Higher Education Accreditation
Council for Opportunity in Education
Council of Graduate Schools
Council of Independent Colleges
National Association of Independent Colleges and Universities
National Association of State Universities and Land-Grant Colleges
National Association of Student Personnel Administrators
University Continuing Education Association

10.3 Affirmative Action Policy*

The University’s Affirmative Action Program provides the means to recruit, employ, and promote women and other underrepresented minorities in the interest of attaining workplace diversity. The director of institutional equity and compliance is available to all members of the Fordham community for consultation, training, and development of those methods and initiatives that advance a more diversified workforce, and ensure nondiscrimination, access to equal employment opportunities and fair treatment of individuals. It is the responsibility of the director of institutional equity and compliance to monitor and report regularly on the University’s efforts to achieve diversity and compliance with all laws pertaining to nondiscrimination. In addition, the director of institutional equity and compliance is a designated contact person for complaints alleging workplace discrimination, including complaints of sexual harassment.

*Due to changing legal guidelines, please refer to the Title IX/Institutional Equity and Compliance website for Fordham’s most up-to-date policies on nondiscrimination, affirmative action, and sexual harassment. If you do not have web access, please contact the Office of Institutional Equity and Compliance directly for a hard copy.

10.4 Policy on Sexual Harassment*

Sexual harassment will not be tolerated in the University community. It subverts the mission of the University and threatens the well-being, educational experiences, and careers of students, faculty, and staff. It is especially threatening in the context of a teacher-student or supervisor-subordinate relationship, in that it can exploit the power inherent in the position of teacher or supervisor regarding grades, recommendations, wage status, or promotion. However, sexual harassment can also occur by subordinates against supervisors, by those of equal status, or by students, thereby creating an environment that is intimidating or offensive in a variety of settings.

In the event that a student or a faculty member feels that he or she has been the victim of sexual harassment, he or she should contact the following individuals:

For incidents between students

Michelle Burris
Vice President for Student Affairs
718-817-4750, [email protected]

Christopher Rodgers
Assistant Vice President and Dean of Students at Rose Hill
718-817-4755, [email protected]

Jenifer Campbell
Assistant Vice President and Dean of Students at Lincoln Center
212-636-6250, [email protected]

Please note: Students at the Westchester campus should contact Dean Campbell.

Copies of the University’s Sexual Harassment Policy, which contains detailed information on the procedures that are to be followed in reporting cases of sexual harassment, may be obtained from the Office of Legal Counsel in Cunniffe House 111, 718-817-3110; or from Human Resources in Faculty Memorial Hall 506, 718-817-4931. This information is also published in the Student Handbook and on the University website.

In addition, any individual with supervisory authority who obtains knowledge of an incident of sexual harassment occurring is required to immediately advise the director of institutional equity and compliance if the incident is workplace related, or the dean of students (Rose Hill, Lincoln Center) if the incident is between students.

*Due to changing legal guidelines, please refer to the Title IX/Institutional Equity and Compliance website for Fordham’s most up-to-date policies on nondiscrimination, affirmative action, and sexual harassment. If you do not have web access, please contact the Office of Institutional Equity and Compliance directly for a hard copy.

10.5 Education Records Policy

Please use professionalism, discretion, and appropriate language when transmitting and/or recording information, either electronically or in hard-copy, concerning students.

Under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), students are given three primary rights. They have the right to ...

  • inspect and review their education records;
  • have some control over the disclosure of information from their education records;
  • seek to amend incorrect education records.

Education records are defined as any record directly related to a student and maintained by the institution or by a party acting for the institution. Any record that is made in conjunction with a student or other school official (e.g., evaluation of a student’s performance) is part of a student’s education record. Therefore any notes, emails, etc., in which you discuss specific students are considered part of students’ education records and are subject to FERPA. This does not include “sole possession records,” defined as records that are kept in sole possession by the maker, used only as a memory aid and are not accessible or revealed to any other person.

10.6 Services for Students with Disabilities

The policy of Fordham University is to treat students with disabilities in a nondiscriminatory manner for all educational purposes, including admission, activities, and courses. The University will make reasonable accommodations, and provide appropriate auxiliary aids and services to assist otherwise qualified individuals with disabilities in achieving access to its programs, services, and facilities in accordance with Section 504 of the Federal Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. Please contact the Office of Disability Services at 718-817-0655 (main number) or [email protected] for more information.

10.7 Weather-Related Cancellations

The decision to cancel classes due to weather conditions will be made by the Provost and will be announced on WFUV (90.7 FM) every 15 minutes. The University will also provide a recorded message on 212-636-7777, and 1-800-280-SNOW and will display information on its homepage,

If a final examination is canceled, the dean of the appropriate college/school in consultation with the Office of Academic Records will reschedule the final examination. If a regular class meeting is canceled, faculty should make a reasonable effort to make up the class. Ultimately, the decision to make up a class is at the instructor’s discretion.

10.8 What To Do In An Emergency: The Emergency Management Plan

The Emergency Management Plan Information on Fordham’s Emergency Management Plan can be found on the University’s website.

As described in this document, in some circumstances it may be necessary to request faculty or staff to assume temporary roles outside their normal scope of their duties, taking into consideration their ability to carry out these temporary roles. Academic deans and department chairs are responsible for ensuring that faculty teaching classes during an emergency remain with their students, follow instructions, and account for all students in their respective classes.

In the event of a fire alarm sounding while class is occurring, either during a fire drill or because of a smoke or fire condition, faculty teaching at Rose Hill and Westchester are requested to immediately have their students exit the building via the nearest staircase and assemble at a safe area at least 100 feet from the building entrance. Faculty teaching at Lincoln Center should direct students to stand by the nearest staircases and await directions from floor fire wardens, public safety personnel or a broadcast over the public address systems. Elevators should not be
used unless directed by Public Safety in the Law School. Classroom doors should be closed after the last person has exited the room. Fire wardens have been designated for each campus building and will assist in the evacuation. Campus public safety personnel will also be present to determine the cause of the alarm and assist in evacuations.