View from Chambers

Launched in the Spring Semester 2020, the View from Chambers series is part of the CJEC’s judicial engagement through education initiative.

The series is designed to shine a spotlight on a diverse slate of judges from a range of courts on the federal and state levels. It also provides an invaluable opportunity for the Fordham Law community, particularly current students, to learn about the inner workings of the judiciary.

At each View from Chambers, the participating judge(s) provide unique insights into the work of their courts (such as duties and powers), emerging topics of interest, the role of judges and clerks in those courts as well as the path to becoming a judge in that court.

The series, as originally conceived, was to include multiple judges from a particular court for an in-person event followed by a reception. Reimagined during the COVID-19 pandemic to a virtual format, the CJEC hosted multiple single judge events. With the return to in-person events in Fall 2022, the CJEC welcomed its first multi-judge/court panel with the U.S. Bankruptcy Court event welcoming a three-judge panel from the Southern District of New York, Eastern District of New York, and District of Connecticut. From time-to-time, the CJEC plans to continue its’ virtual View from Chambers to allow for judges from courts outside the area to participate and open up the series to explore a greater range of courts more easily.

Past View from Chambers Events