Joyce Studies Annual Editorial Guidelines

To ensure efficiency, accuracy, and consistency in the publication of essays in JSA, we ask all contributors to read and follow these guidelines in preparing and revising manuscripts.


Manuscripts must conform to The Chicago Manual of Style (14th edition), but with the modifications noted below.

Unless otherwise indicated, essays should reference the standard editions of Joyce's works listed below. References to these editions and to Ellmann's biography should be cited parenthetically within the body of the essay, using the abbreviations below. Quotations from DublinersPortraitGiacomo Joyce, and Exiles should be cited by page number. Quotations from Ulysses (Gabler edition) should be cited by episode and line number; quotations from Finnegans Wake should be cited by page and line number. In citing these numbers, use only the numbers, not the accompanying abbreviations p, pp, l or ll.

Manuscripts should use American spellings, not British or Canadian spellings, of English words (e.g., towardcolor, and center as opposed to towardscolour, and centre). Variant spellings of this nature in quoted material, of course, must remain.

Manuscripts must use American, not British, punctuation in quoting: double marks for ordinary quotations, not single quotation marks; single quotations to indicate a quote within a quote; commas and periods inside, rather than outside, the end quotation marks.

Manuscripts should use serial commas.

When a source is referenced two or more times, only the first reference should be footnoted, with the notation that future citations will be indicated by page or line number parenthetically in the text. Thereafter, the source will be cited only within the text, using the author's last name or (in the case of two or more works by the same author) by an abbreviated title when necessary, followed by the page or line reference.

In citing page or line numbers parenthetically within essays, omit the comma between the identifying author or title and the page or line number.

In citing multiple page or line numbers both within the text and in footnotes, under most circumstances, elide to one digit-for example, 342-3, not 342-43 or 342-343; 101-2, not 101-102. The exception to this rule is for numbers in the teens. Here the elision should be to two digits-for example, 13-18 and 217-19, not 13-8 and 217-9.

Manuscripts should not contain reference lists of authors and titles compiled under the headings of Works Cited or Bibliography. Because manuscripts will use full notes in Chicago style, such additional compilations are unnecessary.

In citing the place of publication, manuscripts should include the name of the state only if the city is not well known or is not obvious from the name of the press. Thus, Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press would be sufficient, but a work published in Ithaca by Cornell University Press would require the state ID: Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press. Note that we use standard state abbreviations, not postal abbreviations-for example, Penn. not PA for Pennsylvania.

University press names should be spelled out in full, not abbreviated-for example, Columbia University Press rather than Columbia UP.

Joyce Abbreviations

CP James Joyce, Collected Poems. New York: Viking, 1957.
CW James Joyce, The Critical Writings of James Joyce, eds.
Ellsworth Mason and Richard Ellmann. New York: Viking, 1959.
D James Joyce, Dubliners, ed. Margot Norris. New York: Norton, 2006.
E James Joyce, Exiles. New York: Penguin, 1973.
FW James Joyce, Finnegans Wake. New York: Viking, 1939.
GJ James Joyce, Giacomo Joyce, ed. Richard Ellmann. New York: Viking, 1968
JJ Richard Ellmann, James Joyce. New York: Oxford UP, 1982.
LI James Joyce, Letters of James Joyce, Vol. I, ed. Stuart Gilbert.
New York: Viking, 1957.
LII, III James Joyce, Letters of James Joyce, Vols. II and III,
ed. Richard Ellmann. New York: Viking, 1966.
P James Joyce, A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man:
Text, Criticism and Notes. Chester G. Anderson. New York: Viking, 1968.
SH James Joyce, Stephen Hero, ed. John, J. Slocum and Herbert Cahoon.
New York: New Directions, 1963.
SL James Joyce, Selected Letters of James Joyce, ed. Richard Ellmann.
New York: Viking, 1975.
U James Joyce, Ulysses: A Critical and Synoptic Edition,
ed. Hans Walter Gabler, et al. New York and London: Garland, 1984, 1986.
In paperback by Garland, Random House and Penguin 1986-1992.

Electronic Preparation

Manuscripts sent electronically as email attachments must be in Microsoft Word format. If you use Office 2007 or its Macintosh analogue, Office 2008, you must save the files in Word 2003 or Word 2004 (PC or Mac, respectively) or earlier formats. Files with the extension .docx are not acceptable.

Prepare your manuscript on the same computer system, both hardware and software, from start to finish.

In an email message to which you are attaching the electronic files, indicate the type of computer (Mac or PC will suffice-with regard to PC, we don't need to know if it's a Dell as opposed to, say, a Compaq) and word-processing software and version you have used. With the exception as noted above, leave your files in the format in which they were produced; we can convert most file formats.

Use the Insert Endnote Function for your word-processing software: do not simply insert a superscript numeral at the point of reference and type what is essentially a numbered list at the end of the document-the superscripts and the actual notes must be "linked." Print endnotes beginning on a separate page at the end of the essay and titled Notes. Do not use foot-of-page notes. To do this in Microsoft Word 2003, go to Insert, then Reference, then Footnote,then click on Endnotes.

Use margins of at least one inch on all sides of the page.

Use the Tab key, not the space bar or your computer's automatic indent feature, to indent paragraphs. Many word processes default to automatic indent, and you must turn this feature off.

When typing extracts, epigraphs and so on, use whatever commands your word processor has for changing the left margin. Do not insert extra spaces or tabs to achieve the effect of indentation.

Number your manuscript consecutively from beginning to end at the top right-hand corner of each page using headers.

Italicize, rather than underline, the titles of major works.

If there are tables in your manuscript, make certain that you have an accurate printout of them so the typesetter can easily follow the format and structure. Use tabs, not spaces, to define columns, and avoid tables with more than ten columns.

If there are illustrations or figures in your essay, indicate their placement in the text and include them either with the manuscript or in a separate file.

If your manuscript has accented letters or special characters that are not available on your computer, provide a list of them and indicate how you have marked them on hard copy and indicated them in the electronic files. If possible, bring these special characters to the editor's attention in advance.

Final Submission of Manuscript

If you send a revised manuscript in hard copy, it must be identical to the electronic files that you send to JSA in every respect. Thus, once you have printed the final manuscript, do not make further changes to the electronic files. If it is absolutely necessary to make additional changes to the hard copy, be sure that they are clearly marked and let the JSA editors know that there are corrections that will need to be entered into the electronic files.